Scrooge in A Chritmas Carol-Jasmine(:

  • Stave 1

    Stave 1
    In the first stave scrooge is a sour old man who detestes christmas and all the people who celebrate it.He is very cold in his personality and almost everything about him.He sits in his office all day grumbling about nothing important
  • Period: to

    A Christmas Carol

  • Stave 2

    Stave 2
    Scrooge is a little bit intimidated by the appearance of the ghost of christmas past but he is still as sour as before,but he does get a bit emotional when he meets his former self as a boy.
  • Stave 3

    Stave 3
    He is confronted by the ghost of christmas present and his outer shell is broken away.He resorts to begging with the spirit because things that he sees are too painful to bare.
  • Stave 4

    Stave 4
    In this stave Scrooge has given up on fighting and now knows to let the spirit guide him where they will.This is the most shocking because scrooge sees his future self dead and doesnt like the thought of itso he knows he has to change his ways to stop this from happening
  • Stave 5

    Stave 5
    This is the final stave and this is when scrooge has finally come around and is merry and jolly and not the mean man he once was.