Oct 31, 1451
Chistopher Columbus
He was born as a Amerigo Vespucci. While he is a adult he will travel to Ameracan. He was born in Genoa, Italy. -
Feb 21, 1532
Halley's comet
Peter Apian and Fracastoro decovered. They named the comet his year .Then they observed the tail of the comet. It was then called Halley's comet. They noticed that the tail pointed away form the sun and a detail also recognized by Regiomontanus. -
Feb 21, 1543
De fabrica
De fabrica was one of the most famous publications in natural philosophy. It was writen by Andreas Vesalius. The book was called De fabrica or in English On the Fabric of the Human Body. it was arguably the most important antomical tests of te century. It was onve criticizing the work of hte ancients, principally Galen, which offering new illustations based on first-hand observation and fresh dissections. -
Feb 16, 1564
Galileo Galilei
He was born in Pisa, Italy. When he become a older he would invent things that will help. He will also descover different plants while he is alive. He is a Tuscan astronomer, philosopher, astrologer, and physicist. He did not invent the telescope but he heard about it. -
Apr 23, 1564
Willam Shakespears
Willam Shakespears was born in England. While he is an adult he will write many books, plays, and poems. He wrote alot of sonnets while he is alive. He wrote many books but two of his book was the most famous. His two most famous book was Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. -
Feb 20, 1566
Pedro Nunez created a book to help explain how to navigate. He help explain how to use it. He writes in the book you sail the best. In the book it talkes about the new instruments. In the book it tells you how to sail great circle course. -
Galileo galilei constructs his first telescope and turns it toward the heavens. He made it magnifications up to 3X and 10X. The most powerful magnifications up to 30X. He then gives it away as a gift. He then creates it to be better then the first. -
Galileo arrest
Galileo was called before the Inquisition in Rome. after he was abjured, Galileo was placed under house arrest for the the femainder of his life. His visitors, his mail and his dailyactioons were montiored. Galileo lived to see the Dialogue on the Two Cheif World Systems translanted into Latin. He also saw his second major work be published. -
Sir Isaac Newton
In his first major publication (in the Philosophical Transactions). He talkes about white light in that book. It says that white light is not one and pure. It is a mixer and heterogeneous. Color as a quality was, according to traditon, a quantifiable degree of refrangiblity. -
Sir Issac Newton death
Newtons health fails, he collapses and borders death shortly thereafter. He dies at Kensington between 1.00 and 2.00 am. On March 28th his body lies in state in Westminster Abbey. His body is buried on April 4. His body was buried at Westminster Abbey.