
scientific inventors

  • gregor mendel

    gregor mendel
    The theories of heredity attributed to Gregor Mendel, based on his work with pea plants are well known to students of biology.
  • fredrick griffith

    fredrick griffith
    Griffith studies 2 different kinds od DNA,streptococcus pneumoniae witch causes pneumonia. Griffith held an expirement with a mouse and the S cells killed the mouse.
  • avery oswald

    avery oswald
    in 1944 Oswald Avery andhis collegues identiified the molecule that can transforn the R stran into an S stran. when the live R scells were exposed to the S stran DNA they were transformed into S cells.Avery concluded that when Scells in griffiths expirement were killed ,DNA was released
  • Hershey and Chase

    Hershey and Chase
    Alfred Hershy and Martha Chase publishes results of expirements that provided defintitive evidence that DNA is transforming factor. Hershey and chase labled both parts of a viruse to determind witch part was injected into the bacteria and thus witch part was genetic materisl.
  • wattson and crick

    wattson and crick
    were working at Cainbridge University in Camnbridge,England. Using charagaffs data and franklins data, Wattson and crick measured the width of the helix and spacing the bases. Together they built a model of the double helixex that conformed to the other research.