Galen Of Pergamum
Galen of Pergamum discovered three major systems of the human body. The brain and nerves, used for feeling and thoughts. The heart and arteries responsible for energy. The liver and veins system important for growth. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Galen-of-Pergamum -
Lamarck develops Hypothesis of evolution
Lamarck presented this first idea of organic evolution. When an organism needs to change to adapt to its environment, that change is given to the offspring. For example he believed elephants were born with short trunks and then in later generations developed long trunks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3730912/ -
The Voyage of the HMS Beagle
Charles Darwin went on a 5 year trip to the coast of South America. During his voyage he collected many different specimen. He observed many different animals and plants. This trip made him an established naturalist. https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/darwin/a-trip-around-the-world/ -
Louis Pasteur refute spontaneous generation
Pasteur was able to prove that germs have to come from other germs. He proved this by having 2 flasks, one that was open and another one that did not allow any dust particles in. http://www.pasteurbrewing.com/redi-louis-pasteur-and-spontaneous-generation-for-kids/ -
The Origin of species by means of Natural Selection is published
"one of the most influential books of modern times." Darwin; the author of the book, set the theory that we evolve through a process called natural selection. This means the environment is responsible for the overall genetic makeup of species. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/origin-of-species-is-published -
The Germ Theory of Disease is published
The germ theory that states diseases are caused by microorganisms invading the body. This showed the importance of sterilization. Before this, doctors would perform surgery without masks, etc. Wash your hands! https://www.britannica.com/science/germ-theory -
"father of genetics"
Gregor Mendel discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. The Law of segregation, the Law of Independent assortment, and the Law of Dominance. He performed genetic experiments using pea plants. Took him eight years to complete. http://www.dnaftb.org/1/bio.html -
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
This is the study of genetics in a defined group. This goes in depth on the distribution and expression of alleles in a population. Studying the changes and causes. Solving it with an equation. http://www.biologyreference.com/Gr-Hi/Hardy-Weinberg-Equilibrium.html -
T. Hunt Morgan discovers sex-linkage
Thomas Hunt Morgan bred fruit flies to discover mutations. Later he noticed different color eyes among the flies. He discovered eye color was a sex-link trait. http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/resources/timeline/1910_Morgan.php -
Biography & Atomic Theory
The Atomic model is a huge contribution in modern physics. Also known as the Bohr model, named after Niels Bohr. This model further explains the structure of an atom. https://www.livescience.com/32016-niels-bohr-atomic-theory.html -
Frederick Griffith describes the process of transformation
Frederick performed an experiment that describes transforming principle in bacterial genetics. This occurred before the discovery of DNA. This experiment influenced many other great scientific discoveries. https://explorable.com/transforming-principle -
DNA the Molecule of Life
Avery and his colleagues set the idea that DNA is the transforming principle. They performed experiments using bacterium that causes pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae. https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/discovery-of-the-function-of-dna-resulted-6494318 -
Hershey-Chase experiments are published
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase performed experiments together to find out DNA is the carrier of genetic information. Before this, science believed protein was the carrier of genetic information. They did these experiments using Bacteriophages (viruses). https://paulingblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/the-hershey-chase-blender-experiments/ -
Rosalind Franklin “Image 51”
Image 51 is an important piece of evidence of how DNA is structured. Its an X-Ray diffraction image of crystalized DNA proving its double helix, and shape like a twisted Ladder. Rosalind Franklin is responsible for this discovery. http://www.dnaftb.org/19/bio-3.html -
Watson and Crick propose the double helix model of DNA structure
James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the molecular structure of DNA; the double helix. It is said they solved one of the most important riddles in Biology. https://www.nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/dna_double_helix/readmore.html -
Nirenberg cracks the genetic code
Marshall Nirenberg performed an experiment that was able to declare the first 64 codons in a genetic code. Later being able to to distinguish the full genetic code. http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/resources/timeline/1961_Nirenberg.php -
Apollo 11 lands on moon
Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. This was a huge event for the United states. This was an advancement in science; being able to bring samples from another planetary. Also, this was a big thing for the government. Apollo 11 took place during the space war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Americans rushed this event to be ahead. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11.html http://www.coldwar.org/articles/60s/ColdWarMuseuminfoonApollo11MissionJuly1969_000.asp -
The Sanger Technique is developed
Fredrick Slander was able to develop a DNA sequencing technique. The Sanger technique is a method that determines the order of bases in a strand. Takes place during DNA replication done by DNA polymerase. https://unlockinglifescode.org/timeline/11 -
Hydrothermal Vents
Hydrothermal vents are like hot springs on the ocean floor. The ocean floor has tectonic plates that spread apart and create new crust. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/media/deep-sea-hydrothermal-vents/ -
Sharps and Roberts both discovered Spliceosomes around the same time, but not together. A spliceosome is a large complex molecule found in eukaryotic cells. This is a type of primary transcript. For example, when banana go ripe. https://cen.acs.org/articles/93/i39/Uncovering-Spliceosomes-Secrets.html -
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Kary Mullis develops Polymerase Chain Reaction. https://www.karymullis.com/pcr.shtml -
The Innocence Project
The Innocence Project was founded by two public defenders, Barry Sheck and Peter Neufeld. Advancement in DNA technology could prove people guilty of crimes. Meaning also proving the innocent that were convicted for a crime they did not do. These two and their team learned DNA methods through their cases. https://25years.innocenceproject.org/start/ -
Dolly the sheep is cloned
The first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell, being the world's famous clone. Cloning a mammal was much more difficult than cloning a plant or bug. Dolly was a big success. http://www.animalresearch.info/en/medical-advances/timeline/cloning-dolly-the-sheep/ -
Sahelanthropus tchadensis fossil discovered
This fossil is one of the oldest evidence science has of a humanlike species; a mixture of ape and human like features. This species was around 6-7 million years ago in West Central Africa. These fossils prove humans were more spread out then originally noted. http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/sahelanthropus-tchadensis -
Human Genome Project
The Human Genome project started in 1988. In 2003, they finally completed a human genome sequence. A genome is a complete set of DNA. Note that human DNA contains 3 million pairs of nucleotide bases. https://www.genome.gov/11006943/human-genome-project-completion-frequently-asked-questions/ -
CRISPr/CAS 9 is identified and described
CRISPr/CAS 9 is a fancy term for gene editing. This technology lets medical researchers to edit parts of a genome. Took from 1993-2005 for it to be fully discovered by a couple scientists. https://www.broadinstitute.org/what-broad/areas-focus/project-spotlight/crispr-timeline -
Plasmodium falciparum is described as the causative agent of malaria -
Richard L Bible is executed
Flagstaff murder Ricky bible was responsible of the death of Jennifer Wilson. Was not found guilty until 25 years later. He was put to death through a lethal injection. The was the first use of DNA technology in Arizona http://azdailysun.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/flagstaff-murderer-ricky-bible-executed/article_83b0572d-bc3e-57fc-95c5-a81f7484aecd.html