1079 BCE
Saul is born
Saul was born in Gibeah and was of the tribe of Benjamin, the lowest of the tribes. He was the son of Kish and from the family of the Matrites. -
1046 BCE
Saul is crowned king
The people of Isreal demand a king. God grants their request and sends Samuel to anoint Saul king. Saul is looking for his donkeys when his servant suggests they go to the local seer. They go and meet up with Samuel. After staying at Samuel's house for the night , they are on their way back to Saul's father's house. But Samuel sends the servant first and keeps Saul back. Then he anoints him king and Saul goes on his merry way as if nothing had happened. -
1040 BCE
David is born
He was born the last son of Jesse, an Ephrathite from the tribe of Judah. He would later be ordained as king. David was most likely the son of a prostitute. (1 Samuel 17:12) -
1025 BCE
Jonathan and his armor-bearer defeat the Philistines
At Michmash Jonathan and his armor-bearer sneak out of their camp and go down to the Philistines. Jonathan says that if God will give them the victory the Philistines will say "Come up to us". But if God wasn't then they would say "Wait for us to go down to you". so Jonathan let himself be shown and the philistines said, "Come up to us." So they did and killed 20 of them and God threw the rest of the Philistines into a panic. -
1020 BCE
Saul disobeys God
Saul was told to destroy the Amalekites but he did not. He did not destroy all of them completely. He only took their king Agag captive to keep the rest of them under his foot. Saul also took the best of the livestock alive. It was in this way that Saul disobeyed God. Because of this also the Amalekites come back to torment Saul in the future. -
1017 BCE
David and Goliath
David, still a shepherd boy, hears Goliath speaking blasphemingly about the Lord and goes down to fight him. The Lord is with him and he slings a stone that fells the giant. Then, with Goliath's own sword, David chopped off his head. (1 Samuel 17) -
1015 BCE
Jonathan warns David
David thinks that Saul is trying to kill him but Jonathan does not think so. He says if he shoots and the arrow goes far that David should leave but if he shoots the arrows close David should stay. -
1010 BCE
Saul commits suicide & Jonathan is killed
In the middle of a battle, Jonathan dies. He is killed on Mount Gilboa, along with his brothers and father, who committed suicide. Saul fell on his own sword so that the Philistines wouldn't catch him. His reign as king of Israel was 40 years. -
1010 BCE
David crowned king
Saul does evil in the sight of the Lord, so Samuel is sent to anoint a new king. He is led to Jesse's house, where he finds David. Later, David is crowned king. (2 Samuel 5:2) -
Period: 1000 BCE to 980 BCE
David defeats many enemies
He defeated many people groups and kings with God on his side. He conquered the Philistines, Moab, Amalek, Edomites and many more. -
Period: 1000 BCE to 980 BCE
David collected a lot of riches for the temple
He won a lot of battles and gold, silver and bronze for Samuel to build the temple. -
998 BCE
David commits adultery with Bathsheba
David stayed home from a war and was walking around on his roof when he saw Bathsheba bathing on her roof. He took he and committed adultery with her and later killed Uriah her husband so that she could be his wife. -
971 BCE
Adonijah tries to become king
Adonijah the son of Haggoth, the older half-brother of Solomon wanted to be king after David died. So he gathered up a lot of people and proclaimed himself king. But while he was feasting and celebrating, King David gets wind of it and promptly anoints Solomon king. When Adonijah hears this he runs and grabs the horns of the altar begging Solomon to spare his life. But after a second attempt trying to become kin, Solomon sen Behoida to kill him. -
971 BCE
Solomon is made king
After Adonijah tries to become king, Nathan warns Bathsheba. She, in turn, tells David. David then crowns Solomon king in his lifetime. He instructs Solomon to follow the Lord wholeheartedly and not to forsake him. He also tells him to build the temple, for God chose him to do it. Solomon then becomes king somewhere in his late teens or early twenties. Soon after this, David dies. -
970 BCE
David dies
David became old and died peacefully. He crowned Solomon to be the next king and told Joab to be punished. He reigned for 40 years. -
Period: 967 BCE to 960 BCE
Solomon built the temple
In the fourth year of Solon's reign in the second month, Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord according to the plans David had left him. He constructed it according to plan with the altar of sacrifice three storage rooms, brazen sea, two bronze pillars, table of shortbread, ten menorahs, the altar of incense, two cherubim, and the Tabernacle in the Holy of Holies. He finished the temple in seven years. -
963 BCE
Solomon and the two prostitutes
Solomon had a case brought before him of two prostitutes who both said that the baby was theirs. Solomon, in his wisdom, knew how to confront this. He knew that the mother of the child would love it and would not want him killed. So he ordered his servant to cut the babe in half. One woman said, "It won't be either of ours; cut it in two." But the other woman said, "Give him to her, do not kill him." That is how Solomon knew who the mother was, and he gave the child to her. -
960 BCE
Finishing of the Temple of the Lord
They brought the ark of the covenant into the temple of the Lord. The praised and blessed the Lord. The temple was finished in 7 years. -
959 BCE
Solomon celebrates the Finishing of the temple
Solomon celebrated after the temple was finished with songs and celebration. He blessed all the people and praised the Lord. Solomon offered so many sheep and oxen as sacrifices that they could not be counted. -
940 BCE
Solomon turns to other gods
Solomon married many wives to keep peace with several countries. He did not love all of them but had to keep them happy to prevent them from returning to their countries. So he sacrificed to their gods and kept them in their own cities and built their idols. This was evil in the sight of the Lord. Especially Chemosh and Ashtoreth were horrible gods which required child sacrifice, homosexuality, and immorality. Because of all this, God took the throne from Solomon's son. -
932 BCE
Solomon's Death
Solomon died of old age and lived a life of wealth. He turned away from God toward the end of his life and worshipped other gods. His foreign wives, which he married to keep peace with their countries, led him to do this. He had to keep them happy so that they wouldn't return to their countries. So Solomon built them their own cities and idols. He worshipped Chemosh, Asheroth, and Molech among many who were horrible gods. They required child sacrifice, homosexuality, and immorality. -
931 BCE
Rehoboam heeds the advice of the young men
Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, was about to be crowned king. But then when the people asked for fewer taxes, he ignored the advice of the wise older men and listened to the young men. He dealt harshly with the people, so they turned away from the house of David. That is Solomon's punishment for following idols. -
930 BCE
The Kingdom of Israel divided
Jeroboam comes up from Egypt and goes with the people of Isreal to plead with Rehoboam. After Rehoboam says that he will double the people's load, the people of Isreal make Jeroboam king. Only the tribe of Judah, Benjamin, and a little of the Levites stay with Rehoboam, and he is king over them. -
928 BCE
Jeroboam makes two golden calves
Jeroboam began to worry that the people would go back to Rehoboam because they had to go to Jerusalem to sacrifice. So he made two golden calves, one in Bethel and one in Dan, and told the people to worship them. That turned away the people from the Lord for many generations. -
926 BCE
Rehoboam and all the people turn away from God
In the fifth year of Rehoboam's reign, he and all the people of Isreal turned away from the Lord. Because of this, the Lord abandoned them and Shishak, king of Egypt came up and plundered them. -
926 BCE
A Man of God confronts Jeroboam
A prophet from Judah went to Bethel. He told Jeroboam that because of his wickedness, the altars would be torn down and his priests would be sacrificed on them. He also prophesies that a king named Josiah would do this. Jeroboam stretches out his hand but God dries it up. The king pleads for his hand to be restored and it is. The prophet then goes on his way. -
926 BCE
A prophet of God is turned away by a false prophet
The prophet goes after warning Jeroboam and meets an old prophet who deceives him into disobeying the word of God. The old prophet told the man that God had told him to rest and drink. But the old prophet lied. The man eats and drinks even though God to him not to. The man sets out again after he had rested and the old prophets send servants after him because he is curious about what will happen. The servants find the man of God is found dead later with a lion and his donkey by his side. -
912 BCE
Rehoboam dies
Rehoboam dies and rests with his fathers. His favorite son, Abijah the son of Maacah, daughter of Absalom becomes king after him. -
912 BCE
Abijah is crowned king in Judah
In the eighteeth year of King Jeroboam's reign, Abijah son of Maacah daughter of Absalom began to rule in Jerusalem. He was wicked and walked in the same way of sin as is father. -
910 BCE
Abijah goes to war against Jeroboam
Abijah and Jeroboam go to war, one with 400,000 men and the other with 800,000. Abijah makes a long powerful speech stating how much better they are than the opposing side. Jeroboam sets up an ambush and Abijah is being attacked on both sides when his army cried out to the Lord. The priests blew the trumpets and god defeated Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah -
909 BCE
Abijah dies
Abijah dies after leading a wicked life and making a lot of idols. His son, Asa son of Maacah daughter of Absalom(who was technically Asa's grandmother) made king after him. -
Period: 909 BCE to 868 BCE
Asa does what is right
Asa wholly followed the Lord with all his heart. He walked in the right ways of David and tore down the idols his father had put up. He also removed his mother from being queen mother because she made a statue for Asherah. He did away with all the male cult prostitutes and cleared Judah of sin. -
906 BCE
Baasha crowned king of Israel
Baasha son of Ahijah began to reign. He did evil in the sight of the Lord and led the people to sin. -
902 BCE
Baasha is cursed
The Lord said to Jehu that anyone who dies belonging to Baasha would be eaten by dogs in the city and birds in the field. -
884 BCE
Zimri reigns in Israel and kills himself
Zimri killed Elah the king while he was drunk and then he reigned for 70 days. When the troops heard it they made Omri, the commander of the army king. Omri went up and besieged the city where Zimri was. Seeing this, the doomed man went into the citadel of the palace and burned the king's house over him, so Zimri died. -
883 BCE
Elah reigns over Israel
Elah son of Baasha begins to reign in Israel in place of his father but he only reigns for 2 years. He is killed by Zimri the commander of half the chariots who strikes Elah dead while the king was drunk. -
878 BCE
Omri reigns
Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord and was more wicked than all those before him. He walked in the way of Jeroboam and made Israel sin, provoking God. Omri reigned for 12 years. -
873 BCE
Asa reasons with Ben-haded king of Syria against Baasha king of Israel
Baasha was building a city that would permit no one to come in or go out to Asa. So Asa reasoned with Ben-haded to break a covenant with Baasha for silver and gold. Ben-hadad fought against Baasha and so he stopped building the city. -
867 BCE
Omri dies
Omri dies after living a wicked life and his son Ahad reigns in his place. -
866 BCE
Ahab reigns in Israel
Ahab was the most wicked king of them all. He built altars for Baal in the house of Baal. he took for his wife Jezebel the daughter of the Sidonians and worshipped their gods. In his days, Jericho was rebuilt and the people were turned away from the Lord. -
864 BCE
Jehoshaphat is crowned king of Judah
Jehoshaphat was the son of Asa, king of Judah. He places forces in all the fortified cities and set garrisons in the land of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:1-3) -
863 BCE
Elijah and the 850 false prophets on Mt. Carmel
Elijah the Tishbite went up to prove that the Lord is the true God against Baal and 850 false prophets. He asked God for fire to come down from heaven and it did. All the people were greatly astonished and then Elijah took the 850 down by the river Kishon and killed them all. (1 Kings 19) -
860 BCE
Ahab goes to war with Ben-hadad
Ben-hadad tries to take all of Ahab's stuff, so Ahab refuses. The Syrians think beating Israel will be simple so they get drunk. While this happens, God speaks and says that he will give the victory to Ahab. Ahab charges with 7000 people and they defeat the Syrians and Ben-hadad. -
855 BCE
Naboth's vineyard
Ahab saw a vineyard next to the palace. He asked the Jezreelite Naboth for it in exchange for money or nicer land. Naboth said no, it was a family inheritance. Ahab sulks about it so much that Jezebel asked what is wrong. He told her and Jezebel thought up a wicked plan. She told the elders to have a fast, have Naboth falsely accused and then stone him. They did it and Jezebel tells Ahab that Naboth is dead. At this, Ahab promptly gets up from his bed and took charge of the vineyard.(1 Kings 21) -
854 BCE
Jehosaphat makes an alliance with Ahab
The king of Judah made a marriage alliance with the king of Israel and they both went up to Ramoth-Gilead to fight together. Jehosophat told Ahab that 'my people are your people. We will be with you in the war.' -
853 BCE
Ahab is cursed
In 1 Kings 21: 17-24 God curses Ahab and his family that they will be eaten by dogs in the city and birds in the country. Dogs would drink Ahab's blood like they did Naboth's blood. -
852 BCE
Ahab dies in war
Ahab after Micaiah's warning goes to fight and is injured in a battle at Ramoth Gilead. He dies in the back of a chariot and later dogs drink his blood as was prophesied. Ahab was buried in Samaria and he slept with his fathers. (1 Kings 22:37) -
Period: 852 BCE to 850 BCE
Ahaziah reigns in Israel
Ahaziah the son of Ahab was a wicked king. He provoked the Lord and worshipped Baal. He reigned for two years. (1 Kings 22:51) -
850 BCE
Jehoshaphat trusts the Lord to deliver the people from their enemies
The enemies were joining together to fight against them. The king prayed and declared a fast. The people stood with their families until a man was moved by God. He told them that God would deliver them and that they wouldn't have to fight but just to go into battle. They did with the singers going before them. The Lord tossed the enemy camp into confusion so that they killed each other. When Jehoshaphat came into the camp it was deserted. There was so much loot that it took 3 days to carry off. -
850 BCE
Elisha succeeds Elijah as prophet
Elijah was walking by a field and threw his robe on Elisha and ...continued walking. Elisha ran after him pleading for Elijah to let him say goodbye to his mother and father. After that, he followed Elijah around learning from him until Elijah got taken up in a whirlwind of fire. -
Period: 850 BCE to 837 BCE
Jehoram reigns in Israel
Jehoram the son of Ahab reigns in Israel. He reigned for 12 years. He was killed by Jehu by an arrow. -
845 BCE
Jephoshaphat dies
Jehoshaphat reigned for 25 years and slept with his fathers. He was a good king and did what was right. He was buried in the city of David. -
Period: 845 BCE to 838 BCE
Jehoram reigns in Judah
Jehoram was the eldest son of Jehoshaphat and he reigned for 8 years. He made high places and was evil; his wife was the daughter of Ahab. He killed all his brothers and princes of Israel. The Lord's anger was against him so God stirred up the Arabians and Philistines to attack and take away all that he had. After all that he was struck with incurable bowel disease and died of it slowly. When he died no one regretted it. He was buried in the city of David but not with the kings. (2 Kings 8:17) -
842 BCE
Elisha and the widow's oil
A widow came and cried out to Elisha that she had no husband and that this man was going to come and take her two sons away to be slaves. Elisha asks her what she has in her house. She says she only has a jar of oil. He tells her to borrow vessels from her neighbors and then shut herself in her house with her sons and fill each vessel completely with oil. She does this and when every vessel was full, he told her to go sell the oil and pay off her debt. -
839 BCE
Elisha and the Shunammite woman
There was a certain house Elisha went by sometimes where they always offered him food. One day, he passed by there and saw they had built a room for him. Being grateful, he asked what is to be done for them. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, said that the Shunammite woman had no child and that her husband was old. Elisha sent for her and told her that about that time the next year she would have a son. She didn't believe it, but around that time the next year, she had a son. -
838 BCE
Jehu is anointed king
Elisha called a prophet from the house of the prophets(probably Jonah) to go anoint Jehu king of Israel and then rush out. The young man goes to Ramoth-Gilead. There he sees the commanders of the army are in a meeting. He tells the commander (Jehu) that he will become king and that he will fight Ahab and Jezebel and bring judgment on them. Then he anoints him and rushes out. Jehu comes out of the house kind of stunned and when he told the others they laid down their garments and blew trumpets. -
Period: 838 BCE to 837 BCE
Ahaziah reigns in Judah
He is the son of Jehoram, the king of Judah and Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. He reigned for 1 year. Ahaziah, king of Judah was killed on Jehu's command. -
837 BCE
Jehu kills Joram and Ahaziah
After he was anointed, Jehu went to Jezreel. He kept coming and wouldn't say if he came in peace or not. Finally, Joram the king of Israel and Ahaziah, the king of Judah, who was staying with his cousin Joram, came out to meet him at Naboth's property in their chariots. Jehu says how can there be peace when there is such evil and the kings turn around to flee. But Jehu follows after and slays Jehoram, king of Israel with an arrow. Then Jehu's followers shot Ahaziah and he dies a not much later. -
837 BCE
Athaliah kills all the royal family
When Athaliah saw that her son Ahaziah was dead, she killed all her grandsons and the rest of the royal family. She then made herself queen. -
837 BCE
Jehosheba saves Joash's life
Jehosheba, the sister of Ahab, saw Athaliah killing all the royal family so she saved Joash, her grandnephew, from death and brought him to live with her and her husband, the priest. -
Period: 837 BCE to 830 BCE
Athaliah reigns in Judah
Athaliah the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel reigns in Judah for 7 years. -
Period: 837 BCE to 809 BCE
Jehu reigns in Israel
Jehu reigns in Israel for 28 years. He killed Joram the king of Israel and Ahaziah the king of Judah. -
836 BCE
Jehu executes Jezebel
Jehu went through to Jezreel and when Jezebel heard he was coming she put her makeup on and fixed her wig and looked out the window. When Jehu came riding through he asked who was with him and when two eunuchs responded that they were, he told them to throw Jezebel out the window. They did and her blood went everywhere and Jehu trampled over her in his chariot and the dogs ate her. So she died. -
836 BCE
Jehu kills all the descendants of Ahab and all the worshipers of Baal
Jehu sends to the princes of Samaria that if they are loyal to him they will kill the seventy Ahab. He tells them to send the heads of the seventy princes to him by that time the next day. They do and Jehu piles the heads on the two sides. Then he invites all the true Baal worshippers to offer a great sacrifice. But instead, he kills them all. -
832 BCE
Elisha raises the Shunammite woman's son
The Shunammite woman's son came to his father complaining of a headache. They brought him to the house and around noon he died. Then the Shunammite woman rode on a donkey to Elisha to ask for his help. Elisha came back with her and prayed and stretched himself over the child. The kid sneezed seven times and then he woke up. -
830 BCE
Athaliah is dethroned/ Joash becomes king over Judah
Joash was hidden for 7 years and when he reappears the people dethrone Athaliah and kill her. Joash becomes king at 7 years of age. Jehoida, the priest does most of the really important decisions for him. But when Jehoiada, the priest, dies the people turn away from the Lord and worship idols. -
Period: 830 BCE to 790 BCE
Joash reigns in Judah
Joash was saved from being murdered by Athaliah. He started reigning when he was seven and reigned for 40 years. Later in his life, he turned away to worship idols. -
815 BCE
Amaziah is born
Amaziah was born son of Joash king of Judah. His mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. -
Period: 809 BCE to 792 BCE
Jehoahaz reigns in Israel
Jehoahaz was the son of Jehu the king of Israel. He reigned for 17 years in Israel. He did evil in the sight of the Lord. Syria invaded many times in his reign. -
807 BCE
Joash repairs the temple
Joash ordered the priests to rebuild the temple. They brought a chest and put a hole in the top and called all the people to put their tax into it. Every time the chest would fill up the priest would take it and bag it. With that money, they hired men and bought materials to rebuild the temple. -
Period: 792 BCE to 776 BCE
Jehoash reigns in Israel
Jehoash reigned over Israel in Samaria after his father Jehoahaz. He reigned for 16 years. Jehoash was evil and walked in the ways of his fathers. He fought mightily against Amaziah of Judah. He died and was buried with the kings of Israel. -
790 BCE
The Stoning of Zechariah
Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, the priest, condemns the people and king, asking them why they had turned away from God. But the people stoned him on the order of Joash. The king did not remember the kindness of Zechariah's father but killed the priest's son. Because of this, he was cursed. -
790 BCE
Syrians come and destroy/Joash dies
Because the people turned away from God, He punishes them and sends the Syrians to come and destroy. They leave Joash wounded. Then Joash's servants conspired against him and killed him in his own bed. -
789 BCE
Amaziah is crowned king in Judah
Amaziah was 25 when he began to reign and he reigned 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with his whole heart. As soon as he is crowned king he kills the servants who killed his father but didn't kill their children. -
Period: 789 BCE to 760 BCE
Amaziah reigns in Judah
Amaziah was the son of Joash. He started reigning when he was 25 and reigned for 29 years. He followed the Lord but not with his whole heart. He won lots of victories but later turned to idolatry. -
785 BCE
Amaziah's victories
Amaziah goes out with his army and was going to go with the army of Israel as well but a prophet told him not to so he sent the army of Israel home. He then went on by himself and his army of 300,000 and struck down 20,000 men of Seir. But the men of Israel whom Amaziah had discharged went through cities of Judah and struck down 3,000 people and came away with many spoils. -
785 BCE
Elisha dies
Elisha falls sick of an illness he would die from. He tells Joash of Israel to take a bow and arrows and shoot out the window. Then he proclaims that the Lord will give Israel over Syria. Elisha tells him to strike the ground with the arrow. Joash took them and struck the ground three times. Elisha is angry because if Joash had only struck the ground 5 or 6 times then Joash would have made an end of Syria. But as it was Joash would only strike Syria 3 times. After this Elisha died. -
784 BCE
Amaziah worships idols
After Amaziah had won many victories, he brought back the gods of the men of Seir and set them up as his gods and worshipped them. The Lord was displeased and sent him a warning in the form of a prophet but Amaziah would not listen. -
775 BCE
Israel defeats Amaziah
Amaziah went and picked a fight with Jehoash the king of Israel. Joash went up and faced Amaziah in battle at Beth-Shemesh. There Israel defeated Amaziah and took a lot of goods and jewels. -
775 BCE
Azariah is born
Azariah was the son of Amaziah, the king of Judah. His mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem. -
Period: 774 BCE to 733 BCE
Jeroboam II reigns in Israel
Jeroboam II, son of Joash, the king of Israel began to reign in Samaria. He reigned for 41 years. He was wicked. God punished them in these times but did not wipe them out completely. -
760 BCE
Amaziah dies
Amaziah reigned for 29 years and then died. -
Period: 759 BCE to 707 BCE
Azariah (Uzziah) reigns in Judah
Azariah was the son of Amaziah, the king of Judah. He was 16 when he began to reign and he reigned for 52 years in Jerusalem. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord but towards the end of his life, he became proud. Because of this, he died a leper and wasn't buried with the kings. Jotham, his son, co-ruled with him towards the end. -
743 BCE
Azariah is made powerful
Azariah went to war with a lot of people. He broke a lot of walls and fought the Philistines and Arabians. The Ammonites paid tribute to him and he built many cities. He also built towers in Jerusalem. Azariah's army was 307,500 men of valor. He made machines that could shoot arrows and great stones. -
Period: 733 BCE to 732 BCE
Zechariah reigns in Israel
Zechariah was the son of Jeroboam. He only reigned for 6 months. He made Israel sin and was murdered by Shallum the son of Jabesh. He fulfilled the promise that the Lord made to Jehu saying "Your sons shall sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation." -
Period: 732 BCE to 732 BCE
Shallum reigns over Israel
Shallum killed Zechariah, the former king of Israel, to become king. He was the son of Jabsha and he reigned for 1 month in Samaria. Then he got struck down by Menahem the son of Gadi, who came up from Tirzah. -
Period: 730 BCE to 720 BCE
Menahem reigns in Israel
Menahem killed Shallum, who killed Zechariah to be the king of Israel. He reigned for ten years in Samaria. Menahem did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and made the people of Israel sin as well. When Pul, the king of Assyria, came over to attack Israel, Menahem taxed the people to give Pul money so he would go away. -
Period: 719 BCE to 717 BCE
Pekahiah Reigns in Israel
Pekahiah the son of Menahem reigned over Israel in Samaria for two years. He did evil in the sight of the Lord and he made Israel sin. He was struck down by Pekah the son of Remaliah. -
718 BCE
Azariah is struck with leprosy
With so much power, Azariah became very proud and so one day he entered the house of the Lord to burn incense. He wasn't supposed to do this; only the high priests, descendants of Aaron were allowed to do this. They told him so and he became angry at them. Then, the Lord inflicted him with leprosy and it appeared on his forehead. The priests saw this and quickly hurried him out of the temple. for the rest of his life, he was a leper and lived in exile. His son Jotham helped reign in his place. -
Period: 717 BCE to 697 BCE
Pekah reigns in Israel
Pekah killed Pekahiah whose father killed Shallum who killed Zechariah to become king of Israel. He reigned for a good solid 20 years in Samaria. Unfortunately, he did evil in the sight of the Lord, lost a bunch of cities and people to Assyria, and got killed by Hoshea the son of Elah. -
Period: 706 BCE to 690 BCE
Jotham reigns in Judah
Jotham the son of Azariah reigned for 16 years in Jerusalem. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord but didn't remove the high places. He built the upper gate of the house of God. Jotham slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David. -
Period: 690 BCE to 674 BCE
Ahaz reigns in Judah
Ahaz the son of Jotham began to reign in Judah. He was a wicked king and even burned his own son as an offering. -
674 BCE
Hezakiah Cleanses the temple
In the first year of his reign, Hezakiah opened the doors of the Lord's house and repaired them. He assembled the priests and Levites and sacrificed many bulls, rams, and lambs. -
Period: 674 BCE to 645 BCE
Hezekiah reigns in Judah
Hezekiah was the son of Ahaz and he ruled 29 years in Jerusalem. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He cleansed the temple and made so many offerings that the streets with blood. Hezekiah also organized the priests and trusted the Lord to deliver the people from the Assyrians. -
Period: 645 BCE to 590 BCE
Manasseh reigns in Judah
Manasseh began to reign when he was 12 years old and reigned for 55 years. He did evil in the sight of the Lord and erected altars to the Baals. He also sacrificed his sons as offerings. But later Manasseh repented when the Assyrians were attacking and believed in the Lord. -
635 BCE
Manasseh does evil
Manasseh built many altars and rebuilt the high places that his father Hezekiah destroyed. He even built altars in the house of the Lord. He also sacrificed his own children. Manasseh led the people of Israel astray n the beginning of his reign. -
Period: 590 BCE to 588 BCE
Amon reigns in Judah
Amon was the son of Manasseh and he reigned for two years. He was 22 years old when he began to rule and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not humble himself as his father had done. His servants conspired against him and put him to death. And the people made Josiah, Amon's eight-year-old son, the king instead. -
Period: 588 BCE to 557 BCE
Josiah reigns in Judah
Josiah was the son of Amon and when he was eight, he began to rule. He ruled for 31 years and did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He took away the high places and carved and metal idols. The people chopped down the altars of Baal. In his reign, the Book of the Law was found. -
580 BCE
Josiah is born
Josiah was born to Amon, the king of Judah when he was sixteen. Josiah was the sixteenth king of Judah and he would fulfill the prophecy which said that a king named Josiah would strike down the altars of Baal and all the idols. There was never a king like Josiah that turned to the Lord with his all. (2 Kings 23:25) -
576 BCE
Josiah purges Judah and Jerusalem
In his 12th year, Josiah began to clean out all the cities of high places and idols and Baal altars. He burned the bones of the Baal priests on their own altars and broke the Asherim. Josiah cut all the images into powder. When he had cleansed the land, they found the Book of the Law. -
576 BCE
The Book of the Law is found
The Law of the Covenant was found when they began to clean up the house of the Lord. Josiah made his officials read it to all the people. And Josiah tore his clothes and made a covenant before God to keep His commandments. -
557 BCE
Josiah dies in war
Josiah went into war against Neco, the king of Egypt, while Egypt was trying to attack Carchemish on the Euphrates. The archers of the king of Egypt shot down Josiah in his chariot, and the king of Judah was brought back to Jerusalem. There he died. -
Period: 557 BCE to 557 BCE
Jehoahaz reigns in Judah
Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah, began to reign when he was 23 years old. He only reigned for three months. He did evil in the sight of the Lord. Then the king of Egypt took him away to Egypt, and there Jehoahaz died. -
Period: 556 BCE to 545 BCE
Jehoiakim reigns in Judah
Eliakim, the son of Josiah, became king when he was 25, after his brother Jehoahaz was taken to Egypt by Neco, the king of Egypt, and ruled for 11rs. His name was changed to Jehoiakim by Neco as well. He did evil. Jehoiakim had to tax the people to pay Pharaoh. Then Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came and Jehoiakim was his servant for 3 years and then he rebelled. Nebuchadnezzar and defeated him, taking him in chains to Babylon. Nebucannezer carried off the vessels of the Lord's house. -
Period: 545 BCE to 544 BCE
Jehoiachin reigns in Judah
Jehoiachin was the son of Jehoiakim, and he was eighteen when he began to rule. He did evil in the sight of the Lord and ruled 3 months and ten days. He gave himself up to the king of Babylon and in the spring, he was taken to Babylon by Nebucannezer along with everything else that was valuable. Nebuchadnezzar then made Jehoiachin's uncle Mattaniah king and changed his name to Zedekiah. -
Period: 544 BCE to 533 BCE
Zedekiah reigned over Judah
Zedekiah, the uncle of Jehoiachin, began to reign when he was 21 and reigned for eleven years. He did evil. In his days, the priests followed the abominations of the other nations and polluted the house of the Lord. He mocked the messengers that God sent him until the wrath of God came upon the people. Jerusalem was captured and burned by the king of the Chaldeans. They burned the house of God and took Zedekiah to Babylon. The people were all taken to Babylon as slaves. -
534 BCE
Zedekiah's death
Zedekiah was taken to Babylon and they put out his eyes after making him watch all his sons die. Then, Nebucannezer sacked Jerusalem. They took away all the gold, silver, and bronze.