The Kings of Israel and Judah

  • 1042 BCE

    Jonathan And His Armor-bearer’s Attack

    Jonathan And His Armor-bearer’s Attack
    Jonathan and his armor-bearer go and attack the Philistine garrison. He asks God to have the Philistines tell them to come up and fight if Jonathan will win. They do, but Saul takes the credit.
  • 1026 BCE

    David Plays His Harp

    David Plays His Harp
    David plays his harp for King Saul to calm Saul down. Saul gets mad at David and tries to throw his spear at him.
  • 1025 BCE

    David Kills Goliath

    David Kills Goliath
    David persuades Saul to let him fight Goliath. David kills him and everyone rejoices.
  • 1024 BCE

    Saul Starts to Hate David

    Saul Starts to Hate David
    Saul starts to hate David and begins his quest to kill him. David and his men are forced to live their lives on the run.
  • 1020 BCE

    Jonathan and David's Friendship

    Jonathan and David's Friendship
    Jonathan and David become best friends. Jonathan gives David his weapons as a gift.
  • 1019 BCE

    God Rejects Saul

    God Rejects Saul
    Saul sins by sacrificing without waiting for Samuel. He also doesn't kill everything from his most recent battle and keeps some things when God does not want him to. Samuel then tells him that God rejects him and his family as the royal line.
  • 1016 BCE

    David Clips Saul's Robe

    David Clips Saul's Robe
    Saul goes to the bathroom in a cave. David and all his men are already hiding in there. David cuts of part of Sauls robe. When Saul leaves the cave, David follows him and told him that David could have killed him.
  • 1010 BCE

    Saul Dies

    Saul Dies
    Saul is wounded in battle. He asked his servant to kill him because he doesn't want to become a prisoner. His servant refuses to, so Saul kills himself with his sword. When his servant sees, he kills himself too.
  • 1010 BCE

    Jonathan Dies

    Jonathan Dies
    Jonathan is killed in battle along with some of his brothers. When Saul hears, he gives up hope and commits suicide.
  • 997 BCE

    David Begins Making Plans

    David Begins Making Plans
    David begins plans for a grand temple. He thinks that God should have a better house than a tent.
  • 992 BCE

    David and Bathsheba

    David and Bathsheba
    David sees a beautiful woman on a roof and brings her into his bedroom. He tries to cover up his sin by killing Uriah, but to no avail.
  • 991 BCE

    David Writes Psalm 51

    David Writes Psalm 51
    David writes Psalm 51 after he sins with Bathsheba. He confesses and asks for forgiveness in the Psalm.
  • 991 BCE

    David is Rebuked by Nathan

    David is Rebuked by Nathan
    God sends Nathan to David with a message. Nathan rebukes David for his sin with Bathsheba. Nathan helps David to realize how terrible his sin was.
  • 978 BCE

    Absolom's Rebellion

    Absolom's Rebellion
    Absolom becomes popular among the people and proclaims himself king. David and the people on his side flee from Jerusalem. Joab kills Absolom during a battle after Absolom's hair gets caught in a tree.
  • 971 BCE

    Adonijah's Rebellion

    Adonijah's Rebellion
    Adonijah proclaims himself king. Bathsheba talks to Nathan the prophet. Following Nathan's advice, she goes to David, tells him that Adnoijah is king, and tells him that the throne is rightfully Solomon's. David agrees and they crown Solomon king.
  • 970 BCE

    David Dies

    David Dies
    David dies. Before he dies, he passes the kingdom on to Solomon, and gives him the responsibility of building the temple.
  • 970 BCE

    Solomon Builds the Temple and his Palace

    Solomon Builds the Temple and his Palace
    Solomon builds the temple and his house. He enlists the help of many people including King Hiram of Tyre. It takes him 20 years to complete both.
  • 967 BCE

    Solomon Judges The Two Prostitutes

    Solomon Judges The Two Prostitutes
    Two prostitutes came to Solomon. One of their children was dead and the other was living. Both claimed that the living child was there’s. Solomon said to cut the baby in half. One agreed, but the other said that the other woman should have it so it wouldn’t need to be cut in half. Solomon decided that the one that was willing to give up her child for its safety was its mother, so he gave the baby to her.
  • 967 BCE

    Solomon Receives Wisdom

    Solomon Receives Wisdom
    God appears to Solomon in a dream. He asks him what he wants. Solomon tells him that he would like wisdom. Because he has chosen wisely, God gives him long life, wealth, and wisdom.
  • 931 BCE

    Solomon Dies

    Solomon Dies
    When Solomon dies, only two of the tribes of Israel are passed on to his son Rehoboam because of Solomon's worship of false gods. The other ten are passed on to Jeroboam.
  • 931 BCE

    Rehoboam Becomes King

    Rehoboam Becomes King
    Rehoboam is made king of Judah, which is in the south, when he is 41. He reigns for 21 years.
  • 931 BCE

    Jeroboam Becomes King

    Jeroboam Becomes King
    Jeroboam is made king of Israel, which is in the north. He creates golden calves for the people to worship so they don’t travel to Jerusalem which is in Judah.
  • 931 BCE

    Israel Divided

    Israel Divided
    Israel is divided into two kingdoms. Israel is in the north, while Judah is in the south.
  • 930 BCE

    The Prophet’s Curse

    The Prophet’s Curse
    A prophet comes and curses Jeroboam’s altar for his golden calves. The altar splits in two and Jeroboam’s hand shrivels up. He begs the prophet to heal him. The prophet does. Later the prophet is killed by a lion.
  • 928 BCE

    Rehoboam Does Evil

    Rehoboam Does Evil
    Rehoboam does evil things. He displeases God and makes places to worship idols.
  • 913 BCE

    Abijah Becomes King

    Abijah Becomes King
    Abijah is a very wicked king. He fights against Jeroboam and wins. He only wins because of God's promise to David. He only reigned for 3 years.
  • 901 BCE

    Asa Destroys The High Places

    Asa Destroys The High Places
    A little while after he begins ruling, Asa starts to "clean house." He destroys the foreign altars and high places.
  • 896 BCE

    Asa's Reformation

    Asa's Reformation
    King Asa of Judah destroys the idols. He commands that people who don't worship God to be killed.
  • 894 BCE

    Hanani The Prophet's Rebuke

    Hanani The Prophet's Rebuke
    Hanani rebukes King Asa for not relying on God during a battle. Asa retaliates by throwing him in jail.
  • 885 BCE

    Elah Murdered By Zimri

    Elah Murdered By Zimri
    Elah is murdered by Zimri at a drunken party. It was at Arza's house in Tirzah, the capital city of Israel.
  • 885 BCE

    Zimri Goes Down In Flames

    Zimri Goes Down In Flames
    When the troops hear that Zimri proclaimed himself king, they come after him to make their general, Omri, king. Zimri gets scared and burns the palace. He dies in the fire.
  • 880 BCE

    Omri Builds Samaria

    Omri Builds Samaria
    King Omri buys a hill from Shemer that he names Samaria. He moves the capital of Israel from Tirzah to Samaria.
  • 874 BCE

    Ahab's Wicked Reign

    Ahab's Wicked Reign
    King Ahab reigns very wickedly. He angers the Lord more than all kings before him.
  • Period: 873 BCE to 848 BCE

    Jehoshaphat's Reign

    Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. He was a good king, but he tried to make covenants with Israel twice and was rebuked both times.
  • 857 BCE

    Siege of Samaria

    Siege of Samaria
    Ben-Hadad besieges Samaria during the famine Elijah prophesied. Ahab defeats him after being encouraged by prophet.
  • 856 BCE

    Ahab's Treaty

    Ahab's Treaty
    Rather than killing Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, Ahab makes a treaty with him. Israel regains their lost cities from Syria and gains trade access with Damascus.
  • 854 BCE

    A Group of Kings VS. Shalmaneser

    A Group of Kings VS. Shalmaneser
    Ahab joins Ben-Hadad and a group of other kings to fight against Shalmaneser, the king of Asyria, at Qarqar, which is about 100 miles from Damascus, the capital of Syria. They try to stop him from taking over the world.
  • 853 BCE

    Ahab's Death

    Ahab's Death
    Ahab's treaty with Syria was broken. He was fighting to regain Ramoth-Gilead. Ahab was wounded and died because if it. the dogs licked up his blood.
  • 852 BCE

    Jehoram's Wicked Reign

    Jehoram's Wicked Reign
    Jehoram became king of Judah after Jehoshaphat died. He reigned very wickedly, but did not worship Baal.
  • 851 BCE

    Elisha Succeeds Elijah

    Elisha Succeeds Elijah
    After Elijah is taken up to heaven by a whirlwind, Elisha takes his place. Elisha also receives a double portion of Elijah's spirit.
  • 849 BCE

    Elisha Raises The Shunamite Boy From The Dead

    Elisha Raises The Shunamite Boy From The Dead
    God gives the Shunamite woman a son. Some years later, he goes out to the field with his father. Then his head starts to hurt. That noon he died. His mother went to Elisha and told him what happened. He comes back with her and raises her son back to life.
  • 849 BCE

    The Widow's Oil

    The Widow's Oil
    A widow asks Elisha for help with paying off her husband's debt. Elisha tells her to pour oil from her flask into lots of other containers. Then he told her to sell it to her neighbors and other people in her town. Soon her debt is payed.
  • 841 BCE

    Jehu Becomes King

    Jehu Becomes King
    Jehu becomes king of Israel and kills Ahab's family, including Joram, Ahaziah, and Jezebel. He also executes all the prophets of Baal.
  • 841 BCE

    Ahaziah's Reign

    Ahaziah's Reign
    Ahaziah's reign over Judah was very short. His mother, Athaliah, and his advisors made most of the decisions for the kingdom.
  • 841 BCE

    Evil Athaliah

    Evil Athaliah
    Athaliah murders all the house of David, but Jehosheba saves Joash. Joash was Ahaziah's infant son. Jehosheba, Jehoram's daughter, along with her husband, Jehoiada the high priest, raised Joash in the temple.
  • 814 BCE

    Joash Restores the Temple

    Joash Restores the Temple
    King Joash of Judah restored the temple. Jehoida, his mentor, helped him and gave him guidance.
  • 805 BCE

    Jehoahaz's Plea For Help

    Jehoahaz's Plea For Help
    King Jehoahaz of Israel calls on God for help when King Hazael of Syria is trying to take over Israel. Adad-nirari III of Asyria attacks Syria, defeats King Hazael, and delivers Israel.
  • 796 BCE

    Jehoash Visits Elisha

    Jehoash Visits Elisha
    King Jehoash of Israel goes to visit Elisha on his death bed. Jehoash asks Elisha for advice and comforts him.
  • 790 BCE

    Uzziah's (Azariah) Reign

    Uzziah's (Azariah) Reign
    Uzziah (Azariah) reigned in Judah for 52 years. He was a good king, was very mighty, and prospered greatly. He defeated the Philistines, Arabians, and Meunites. The Ammonites payed him tribute. Closer to the end of his reign, God gave him leprosy because he was proud and burnt incense without a priest.
  • 783 BCE

    Amaziah Defeated By Jehoash

    Amaziah Defeated By Jehoash
    King Amaziah of Judah challenges King Jehoash of Israel. Amaziah is defeated.
  • 773 BCE

    Jeroboam II Conquers Syria

    Jeroboam II Conquers Syria
    King Jeroboam II of Israel defeats Syria. Israel loses control over Syria after Jeroboam II and his son Zechariah die.
  • 753 BCE

    Zechariah's Reign

    Zechariah's Reign
    Zechariah, who was evil, reigned over Israel for six months. He was assassinated by Shallum.
  • 753 BCE

    Shallum's Reign

    Shallum's Reign
    Shallum reigned over Israel for one month. He was assassinated.
  • 750 BCE

    Jotham's Reign

    Jotham's Reign
    Jotham reigned over Judah for 16 years. He defeated the Ammonites and built cities and forts. He was mighty and worshiped God.
  • 743 BCE

    Menahem's Bribe

    Menahem's Bribe
    Menahem was the king of Israel. He bribed the king of Assyria to leave Israel alone.
  • 742 BCE

    Ahaz's Wicked Reign

    Ahaz's Wicked Reign
    Ahaz reigned in Judah. He was very wicked and offered his son as a burnt offering.
  • Period: 742 BCE to 740 BCE

    Pekahiah's Reign

    Pekahiah reigned over Israel. He was assassinated.
  • 740 BCE

    Pekah's Reign

    Pekah's Reign
    Pekah assassinated King Pekahiah of Israel. He reigned over Israel for 8 years.
  • Period: 732 BCE to 722 BCE

    Hoshea's Reign

    Hoshea reigned over Israel for 10 years. He was a puppet of King Tigglath-pileser of Assyria.
  • 715 BCE

    Hezekiah's Passover

    Hezekiah's Passover
    King Hezekiah of Judah proclaims a nationwide passover that includes both Judah and Israel. He sends messengers throughout Israel and Judah to call all the people to come to the passover and back to the God of Abraham their father.
  • 715 BCE

    Idolatry Destroyed

    Idolatry Destroyed
    All the people went out and destroyed the idols. King Hezekiah appoints priests and Levites.
  • 687 BCE

    Manasseh's Evil Reign

    Manasseh's Evil Reign
    King Manasseh reigns over Judah. He was very evil and rebuilt the idols and high places.
  • 648 BCE

    Manasseh Imprisoned

    Manasseh Imprisoned
    Manasseh was taken to Babylon by the Assyrians. He repented and God rescued him.
  • 642 BCE

    Amon's Reign

    Amon's Reign
    King Amon reigned over Judah for 2 years. Amon put back the idols that his father, Manasseh, had destroyed at the end of Manasseh's reign. He was assassinated.
  • 640 BCE

    Josiah's Good Reign

    Josiah's Good Reign
    King Josiah reigned over Judah for 31 years. He was a good king who followed God and directed the people to keep God's laws and covenants.
  • 609 BCE

    Jehoiakim's Evil Reign

    Jehoiakim's Evil Reign
    King Jehoiakim reigned over Judah for 11 years. He was evil and did not follow God. He also burned Jeremiah's scroll.