He has been appointed Regemental P.M., which means that he can go and get the mail for the soilders. It has rained very much which has soaked the entire camp. When they were traveling on he passes by many graves of dead soilders, although he refuses do describe them. He continues to wait for the paymaster to arrive. -
He has been travelling through many different climates including huge clouds of dust and beautiful forests. They pass by many houses. At one they were given many oats. They came accros a forest with a large stream that he bathed in. They were given marching orders for there regiment. -
Write Me More Wife
He complains how his wife should write to him more and how her letter that she sent filled him with happiness.He is upset that she didnt send a letter for three weeks. He was sick and sad about her neglet. The letter that she sent him though sooths his aching heart and sends a rainbow above it. He speaks of how she should put herself in his place. -
Young Boy
Typhod Fever and Consumption
He is concerned for a boy who has consumption so he decides to help him get his mother and sibling to him. It causes him to think of what it would be like if his family forgot about him. He belives that the boy will not survive till morning. The boy wishes to return home but he is not allowed. He understands how he feels for he would hate it if he were to die without his wife. -
Drunk Soilders
All of the soilders and officers are drunk and doing horrible things, he is embaressed to be in there presence. He is sick along with one of the coloniels. He finds embarassing that he belongs to this regiment and wishes to return home. That night everyone was drunk, swearing, and gambling. -
He is unsure of where the army will be going next and has planed to go home as soon as possible. He dose not think that they are richous enough to win the war. He has already asked to be resighned and is leaving as late as april. After a young woman was vandalized he worries for his own daughters growing up and being exposed to men. -
Write Me Mother
He calles his mother a monster for not writing to him and that she will not allow the children to write to him eaithr, He is very mad. He belives that she is treating him like a dog. He finds her neglet cruel. If only he god a letter from her he would be much happier. -
He speaks of how beautiful it is there. The rebels are about to attack their camp so they are begining to pack up. He although has no idea when he will be leaving. He speaks of the soilders grave along the path, of all the young boys who died. -
Civil War Cannonading
He speaks of how the cannonading has stopped. There army was succesful. He plans to head home unless they are to get paid soon. That is the only thing that will keep him there. -
He wishes to return home so that he can celebrate sabbath with his kids and to take them to sabbath school, he misses home very much. They took many frisoners and a coloniel was killed. Many are sick and he hopes to stay un-sick. He tells her not to write him any more letters after a certain date for he will be heading home and will not recieve them. -
He says how much rain and muck is there and about how far they have to travel. He stays in the same house as the coloniel. The original residents of the town had fled there before they arrived. He also hopes that his children are doing well.