Saint Ignatius of Loyola

  • Sep 1, 1491


  • Feb 5, 1502

    Mother Died

    His mother died so his sisters-in-law helped raise him.
  • Sep 10, 1507

    He is in Castile and learns to read/write

  • Feb 11, 1526

    Íñigo breaks his leg

    While he was in war he gets blasted by a cannon and breaks his leg.
  • Feb 14, 1526

    At night Íñigo was in pain and Saint Peter appeared and healed him

  • Feb 19, 1526

    He had a vision of Mary holding baby Jesus

    He could not sleep one day and saw Mary with Jesus and she smiled to him.
  • Feb 28, 1526

    Íñigo leaves to speak with The Duke

    Íñigo leaves to see his commanding officer The Duke
  • Mar 24, 1526

    Íñigo turns in all his clothes and his weapons

    He offers himself to the mother of God
  • May 6, 1527

    Íñigo got on a boat.

    He said I need to study.
  • Sep 6, 1530

    He sleeps on the floor

    He sleeps with people
  • May 7, 1531

    He is going into his first mass

    In manresa
  • Sep 6, 1548

    He said as I grow older my love for God will always grow

    He likes to prey
  • Sep 1, 1556
