
S5 Timeline Project

  • Billy Pilgrim was born

    Billy Pilgrim was born
    Billy Pilgrim was born in Ilium, New York. The people involved in this event was Billy, and his parents. This is important because without Billy the story would be different, and while in Ilium he went to college there for optometry.
  • Unstuck in time for the first time

    Unstuck in time for the first time
    When Billy was in WW2, he became unstuck in time for the first time. Its important because its the first time and he becomes unstuck in time throughout the story.
  • Dresden Bombing

    Dresden Bombing
    This event is very important to Billy, its brought up quite often throughout the story. It had happened because the allies wanted the Russians to be intimidated, and act as a warning. During this time, Billy was in a meat locker at Slaughterhouse Five.
  • Released from the Army

    Released from the Army
    When Billy got captured he was brought to Dresden, and was brought to the Slaughterhouse. As he was there Dresden got bombed, and he was released. Its important because it shows what Billy has gone through and survived unlike a few of the other soldiers.
  • Traveled to 1961

    Traveled to 1961
    In 1958 Billy had time traveled to 1961 where he was at a New Years Eve party and he had gotten drunk, and cheated on his wife.
  • Billy met one of his favorite authors

    Billy met one of his favorite authors
    Billy met Kilgore Trout for the first time who is one of his favorite authors. Trout was yelling at the kids as Billy was driving by and he had stopped. Trout was the head of the paper route, he was so unhappy that one of the paper boys quit. Billy offered to help and they talked about his books and how he was a fan. They then became friends.
  • Kidnapped

    Bill was kidnapped by a flying saucer that had came down and got him on the night of his daughters wedding. He was taken to Tralfamadore, for which he was forced to strip and live in a zoo with Montana. This is important because if he was never taken there then he would've never learned a few lessons that he did.
  • Car Accident

    Car Accident
    When Valencia was rushing to the hospital to see Billy, she had gotten into a car accident but continued to drive. As she arrived to the hospital she was found dead in her car from the Carbon Monoxide leaking into her car. This is very ironic because she and the readers thought Billy was going to die, but she did. Also, plays a very significant role in the story.
  • Plan Crash

    Plan Crash
    Billy gad been in a plane crash and had fractured his skull and was in the hospital. As he was in the hospital he was going in and out of time. If he hadn't been going in and out of time then we wouldn't have been able to see the events he had traveled to and he would have never met Copeland Rumford.
  • Death

    Billy Pilgrim had died because Lazzarro promised Weary he would get him back by killing him. He had said one day he would get a hit. Bill was shot and killed. It proves that he did keep his word to Weary. Its weird that he could survive Dresden but then later is shot.