Roman History

  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE

    Roman Monarchy

  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE

    Roman Republic

  • 43 BCE

    Caesar assassinated

    Caesar assassinated
  • Period: 27 BCE to 476

    Roman Empire

  • Period: 27 BCE to 14

    Octavian AUGUSTUS (1st ruler of Rome)

    Born in 63 BC
    adopted nephew and heir of Caesar
    Fought to avenge Caesar
    31 B.C. defeats Antony and Cleopatra in war of Actium
    27 B.C. consecutive consulship, title of 'Augustus'
    23 B.C. Tribunician power
    12 B.C. took title of Pontifex Maximus
    Brought peace and had authority, he had consulship, and did more for the state, so his words had more weight.
    He made himself indispensable to the Roman Empire, he described himself like Jesus, a turning point of history. (Jesus was born in his reign)
  • Period: 14 to 37

    TIBERIUS Claudius Nero

    Augustus' daughter Julia's second husband Tiberius. He establishes, voting in the senate only and not the state.
    Introduced maeiestus (treason) trials : used to be for those against the state, but now anything towards him and appraise of Julius Caesar's conspirators
    AD 31 - 37, on the island of Capri, Tiberius continues a reign of terror and a lot of his family is eliminated for treason, which continues
  • Period: 14 to 37

    Jesus in Tiberius' reign

    Jesus is executed in AD 30 via crucifixion, when hes tarts his public ministry.
    The early Christian church was formed, through a pentecostal experience, in which then Stephen is Martyred
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    Tiberius Nero takes himself out of politics form A.D. 23, and Sejanus carries on killing many for treason. Asks to marry Nero's Daughter, which is refused, made consul in 31.
    He himself is arrested and executed for an indirect assassination of Tiberius' son through his wife.
  • Period: 37 to 41

    Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (CALIGULA)

    Very autocratic, tried cases himself, which had never been done before.
    Claimed to be Jupiter on earth.
    Incestuous with his three sisters
    Was assassinated by some Praetorian officers and senators
  • Period: 41 to 54

    Tiberius CLAUDIUS Nero Germanicus

    1. was not related to Augustus by blood
    2. Took throne in a coup
    3. Lacked charisma
    And so to get his legitimate stand, he invaded Britain in AD 43.
    Married 4 times, first was executed for adultery, basically
    then married his niece, by changing laws on incest.
    He gave citizenship to Gauls in AD 48. During this time Paul preaches in a lot of areas, and carries on doing so until NERO.
  • Period: 54 to 68

    NERO Claudius Caesar

    Crazy geezer.
    His succession took place when was 16-17, and was the great-great grandson of Augustus, he had high hopes form officers and senators, he was dominated by tutors, mother and Seneca the Stoic philosopher.
    He appoints this guy in the East, who becomes to strong and Nero becomes a public enemy and is forced to kill himself.
    He also starts the persecution of Christians, and used them as a blame to a fire.
    Conspiracy in Piso AD65- Seneca Patronius and other, are forced to commit suicide.
  • 69

    AD 69:The year of four emperors

    AD 69:The year of four emperors
    A scramble for the throne, leads three minors, Galba, Otho and Vitellius, but is the year of true succession of VESPASIAN. He was fighting a war in Judea, and comes home for the throne, and his son, Titus, finishes the war for him.
  • Period: 69 to 79

    Titus Flavius VESPASIANUS

    He reorganizes Eastern provinces, from the Jewish War and also conquered land in parts of Germany. He chooses his adult sons as heir to his throne.
    from Adoptive succession -> Dynastic succession.
  • Period: 79 to 81

    TITUS Flavius Vespasianus

    He won the Jewish War for his father, and is responsible for the destruction of the temple in 70.
    In his time:
    Mount Vesuvius erupts in 79
    Completed the Coliseum, that his father started, but he dedicated, it was build on confiscated land that NERO confiscated form the fire in AD 64, its called coliseum, because a colossal statue of Apollo is built there, with NERO's face on it.
  • Period: 81 to 96


    brother of Titus Flavius Vespasianus, both sons of Vespasianus.
    Domitian, was sort of sad, because he got second servings from his father compared to his brother.
    Changed to his Wife's name Domitianus
    Had ,onarchial tendencies i.e. perpetual censorship.
    Created a huge new palace, using regal and divine terms (dominus et deus)
    Murdered like Nero, for isolating the imperial courtiers was alienated, stabbed in the groin.
    No successor, meant people worried another civil war like in AD 69.
  • Period: 96 to 98

    Marcius Cocceius NERVA

    He was chosen, basically because he was old, it meant a safe and a succession would occur in not a very long time.He had experience of the civil war in AD 69 although he had no major experience in leading an army, he was an expert in internal palace politics.His self-depiction was very pro-senatorial, opposing Domitian.
    AD79- besieged in his own palace, he's exposed for being weak, after request to avenge Domitian by Praetorians, so he appoints Trajan, as the new successor and leads a huge army.
  • Period: 96 to 117

    Marcus Ulpius Traianus (TRAJAN)

    Good emperor, who died of Old age.
    He was illegitimate, no blood ties with his predecessors, he's Spanish, he successes a weak emperor, it seems a bit like a coup, he is neither there in the succession, nor the adoption. He comes home after ensuring the loyalty of the DNaube soldiers
    He has lots of military experience, fighting in two Dacian wars, and creating a forum form the loot, people love him, goes he does great things abroad and at home is remembered as the best emperor Optimus Princeps.
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    Forum of Trajan? don't know when it was built

    Forum of Trajan? don't know when it was built
    It was built as political propaganda, funded by Trajan, from the 2 Darcian wars he fought in.
    It used expensive resources, to show the imperial grandeur of the forum.
    apparently it is the biggest and most grand forum after the original forum.