Roger Sherman

  • Marriage

    In New Milford,CT Roger Sherman found a woman who he loved very much. He would later propose to her. They eventually got married in 1749.
  • Passes Bar Exam

    Passes Bar Exam
    Without any formal education what so ever he passed the bar exam.The bar exam is an exam to see if a candidate is competent enough to practice law in that jurisdiction. He was entirely self taught and manage to pass.
  • Serving as Justice of The Peace

    Serving as Justice of The Peace
    One year after representing New Milford in the general assembly he became a justice of the peace. His job was to hear civil controversies among other things.
  • Second marriage

    After his first wife died he managed to find another woman to fill the void in his heart. After a while he had proposed to her. 3 years after his first wife's death he married Rebecca Prescott.
  • Honorary Masters Degree

    Honorary Masters Degree
    After being so involved with Yale University they decided to give him an honorary masters degree.
  • Represents his State

    Represents his State
    At the constitutional convention Roger Sherman was representing the state of Connecticut. He later wrote a paper that was for the constitution. He later attended the ratification of the constitution.
  • Proposes The Connecticut Compromise(The Great Compromise)

    Proposes The Connecticut Compromise(The Great Compromise)
    This compromise was proposed to end the debate between the big and small states about how the states would be represented. This compromise had established a bicameral or two house legislature. These two parts would be called the Senate and House of Representatives.
  • Serving as Representative

    Serving as Representative
    Later in his political career he served in the House of Representatives. He served for a total of 2 years.
  • Serving as Senator

    Serving as Senator
    After he finished his career in the House of Representatives he joined the Senate. He served in the Senate for 2 years.
  • Sherman Elected as Mayor of New Haven

    Sherman Elected as Mayor of New Haven
    Roger Sherman was elected the mayor of New Haven. He maintained that position for 9 years.