Robinson crusoe man friday e1551397933761

Robinson Crusoe

By aranchu
  • 1632

    Robinson Crusoe was born in the city of York in England.
  • 1650

    Robinson asked his mother if she could talk to his father about going to the sea.
  • 1651

    Robinson ran off to sea with a friend that was going to London in a ship. As soon as it was at sea, wind began to blow and Robinson got frightened. Few days later, a terrible storm occurred.
  • 1653

    After two years of slavery serving the Turkish, Robinson escaped with Xury, an slave boy. They sailed along the sea for ten days. They started to live with Negroes and after leaving them they sailed another eleven days and watched a Portuguese ship. 22 days later they landed in All Saints Bay.
  • 1655

    Robinson had spent these two years in Brazil working as a sugar planter and had sold Xury.
  • 1) 1659

    Robinson had learnt the language and had made friends with other sugar planters. Robinson sailed on a ship with three planters who wanted to buy slaves. A hurricane hit the ship. Robinson advised to go to Barbados.
  • 1659

    Robinson Crusoe ends up in an isolated island. He got out everything he could from the sunken ship. It was raining heavily. The rain broke the ship and he had to protect his goods from the rain. He found the place to settle his cabin and carried his things there. He went hunting with a gun and hunted a goat. He setted up the tent and built a fence around his new home.
  • 2) 1659

    He created a daily routine. He would work and hunt till eleven o’clock, then he would eat. He would take a nap till two pm and then he would go back to working. There was a thunderstorm and he had to store his gun powder in smaller boxes so that it didn’t explode. He hunted a goat and took care of another who had been harmed by him. He decided to start breeding goats.
  • 1660

    He planted trees around the house to have a natural fence.
  • 1677

    He was very ill with fever. Due to this illness he started to have hallucinations and began to repent his sinful life. After healing from that illness, he read the bible everyday and converted to christinianity.
  • 1681

    While he was walking around the island, he found the print of a man’s naked foot. He thought that footprint might be from the savages from the mainland.
  • 3) 1683

    However, that night Robinson roasted some meat and gave it to Friday. He enjoyed it so much that he decided he would never again eat man's flesh. Without a doubt this was Robinson's best year of his life on the island because he found someone to talk to who was honest and simple.
  • 1) 1683

    Near the beach he saw a boat. But when he came to the shore, he found human skulls, hands and feet lying on the sand. The savages had made their inhuman feast. One of their prisoners escaped and Robinson saved him. Then he made Friday, the name’s prisoner, his slave and he also converted him into christianism.
  • 2) 1683

    Furthermore, during this year Friday learnt to speak quickly which made him very pleased when he understood Robinson or could make Robinson understand him. Moreover, one of these days, Robinson fired his gun to kill a goat so they could later eat its meat, something that made Friday tremble because he thought he was wounded.
  • 1685

    Robinson sent Friday to get a turtle and unexpectedly Friday came running back from the shore because he saw three canoes, they decided to attack. Friday and Robinson aimed at the savages and both fired their guns at the same moment, resulting in two kills and three wounded, they continued attacking them until the cannibalists went away, and during this cannibalistic feast, they could rescue two more people. They were an spanish and Friday’s father.
  • 1686

    Robinson could finally leave the island where he had been living there for twenty-eight years, two months, and nineteen days. He was delivered on the same day of the same month that he escaped from slavery in Sallee.
  • 1687

    Robinson arrived in England after having been away for thirty-five years.