Richard the Lionhearted

By dhall66
  • Sep 8, 1157

    The Birth of a King

    The Birth of a King
    Richard Coeur de Lion was born September the 8, 1157 in Beaumont Palace, Oxford. His mother name was Eleanor of Aquitaine and his father was John, King of England.
  • 1173

    Richard's Revolt

    Richard's Revolt
    Richard revolted against his father because he wanted land that was promised for him so the only way to get the land was to revolt. He made an army alongside Philip of Alsace and took over his fathers land.
  • Jul 4, 1189

    How he Became King

    How he Became King
    Richard and his army defeated Henry's army at Ballans. Henry with John's consent agreed to name Richard his heir to the throne. Two days later Henry II died in Chinon, and Richard the Lionheart succeeded him as King of England, Duke of Normandy, and Count of Anjou.
  • 1190

    Richard the Lionheart Reign

    Richard the Lionheart Reign
    Richard the Lionheart is remembered for being a chivalrous medieval king. He fought and won several battles, his most famous battle he won was the Third Crusade against Saladin.
  • 1192

    Richard's Capture

    Richard's Capture
    Bad weather forced Richard's ship to put in at Corfu, in the lands of the Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos. He disguised himself as a knight and soon his ship was wrecked and it led him in some dangerous lands near central Europe.
  • Feb 4, 1194

    Richard's Ransom and Return

    Richard's Ransom and Return
    Richard was soon handed over to Henry VI who was soon excommunicated and the emperor put him up for ransom of 150,000 silver which his mother worked to raise the money. After bargaining for years he was finally released February 4, 1194
  • Mar 25, 1199

    Richard the Lionhearts End

    Richard the Lionhearts End
    One day King Richard was walking around his castles wall without his armour when a man with a crossbow on the castle walls deliberately aimed the bow at Richard and hit him in his left shoulder. Richard asked for the crossbowman to be brought to him and found out it was just a boy who wanted revenge after Richard killed his family. The boy expected to be prosecuted but Richard forgave him and told him to live on.