Reading log 2013

  • Arthur pages 464

    This book is about a kid called arthur who lives in a kingdom with his brother and his 2 sisters. His brother thinks that he will be the king when he is older. The main part of this book is when arthur pulls the sword out of the rock it says on the rock that who ever pulls the sword out of the rock will became the king of the land. This book is recomended for 12+
  • Goal 2 books in one about 300 pages each

    Santigao lived in not a very nice house but one day he was playing soccer when a top soccer team spotted him. He then goes on to be one of the best soccer players in the world he also plays in one of the top leages in the world.
  • conspiracy 365 187 pages

    callum ormond has been wornd that he has 365 day to live by a guy on a street and he will go through a aduventer of terror 12 books 12 mounths.
  • Conspiary 365 184

    This book is about a guy called callum ormond who has been warned that he has 365 days to live and has nearly been eaten by sharks and had been kidnapped nurmous times.
  • Dan Carter

    This book is all about dan carter and his road to sucess. I t also is about his child hood and who made him sucefull.
  • Conspariy 365 march

    Callum has been warned that he had 365 days to live so far his has survived througth shark attack and plenty more things he has reclenty been beatin by a lion will he survive.
  • Crocodile attack 157 p.g

    A robber has kidnapped sam fox and his cousin nissa during a cyclone. When the robbers car crashes into crocodile river sam and nissa find them selves stranded on a little island the gets shorter and shorter by night and they are not safe when there are crocodiles around.