
  • Meets Meursault In The Stairwell

    Meets Meursault In The Stairwell
    Meursault has heard rumors that Raymond is a pimp, but when he first meets him in the stairwell he overlooks it because Raymond is polite and pays attention to Meursault. This shows how Meursault only cares if people affects him or how he feels.
  • Raymond Gets Himself Slapped

    Raymond Gets Himself Slapped
    Raymond was beating on his mistress and the other tenants came out to see the commotion. Meursault wasn't stunned and was going about as if it was normal. He was able to eat and sleep after Raymond's interaction with his mistress and the cop. Also, Marie asked Meursault to get a cop when Raymond was beating on his mistress, but he said he didn't like cops. This shows how Meursault is unfazed by Raymond and his actions because Meursault is apathetic to others and their situations.
  • Asks Meursault To Be His Witness

    Asks Meursault To Be His Witness
    Meursault is apathetic to laws and he doesn't appreciate law and order. He doesn't follow society's rules. This is shown because Meursault doesn't know what happened with Raymond but he still agrees to testify, and therefore agreeing to lie on the stand for Raymond.
  • Raymond's Phone Call With Meursault

    Raymond's Phone Call With Meursault
    Meursault is at work and answers the phone call. He doesn't hang up on Raymond, which shows his importance in Meursault's life. He put Raymond over work, as he acknowledged that his boss would be mad if he stayed on the phone. Even though Raymond is super sketchy Meursault doesn't care since Raymond is nice to him. Meursault only thinks about things in how they relate to him.
  • The Beach

    The Beach
    Initially, Meursault tries to get Raymond not to kill the Arab, saying that he must wait for them to attack before Raymond can attack them. However, Meursault then goes on to kill the Arab without any provocation because the sun was too hot. This illustrates how Meursault has no morals and is a hypocrite because he does the exact opposite of what he told Raymond to do and kills a man for essentially no reason.
  • Raymond Testifies

    Raymond Testifies
    Raymond thought of Meursault as a friend and was close enough to Meursault to testify for him. This shows how Meursault can be someone's friend and have an importance to someone else.