Rachel Darby 6M

  • Jan 1, 1160

    Robin Hood's birthday

    Robin Hood's birthday
    Is he a legand or a real person?
    Did he really Steal from the rich and give to the poor?
  • Apr 26, 1564

    William Shakespeare's birhday

    William Shakespeare's birhday
    He is the most famous playwrite all around the worlld even today ! One of the best facts about William Shakespeare was that he made 1500 words! Also he was born in Startford and his birthplace can be visited even today!
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
    After spending a long time fighting in Italy,he came back and started leading a big group of catholics, plotting to blow up the king! The reason for this was because they wanted to rasie his son up as a catholic so when he became king it would be a catholic ruling the British isles!
  • Edward Jenner's birthday

    Edward Jenner's birthday
    Jenner was an amazing doctor, due to the fact that he envented the cure for small pox which saved millions of lives and thanks to him smallpox has been wiped out as a deadly illness! How it happened! One day Jenner was walking around town when he saw a young milk maid milking her cowthe maid has cow pox , that got him thinking! 'Why doesn't milk maids get the dreaded smallpox? Maybe it's because they have already got cowpox?
  • Quenn Elizabeth 11's birthday

    Quenn Elizabeth 11's birthday
    The Queen is 84, and has reigned for 57 years (what a long time!)