Protein Synthesis

  • Transcription

    RNA polymerase binds to DNA. DNA strands are separated. RNA polymerase then uses DNA as a template to form RNA.
  • RNA Processing

    RNA Processing
    Extra sequences are trimmed off.Specialized enzymes called exoribonucleases cut the RNA strand at specified locations. Sections of sequences in the middle of RNA are edited out. Enzymes join, or splice, the remaining sequences to form the complete RNA.
  • Translation

    Begins after mRNA is transcribed. mRNA is decoded into proteins to carry out life processes. This takes place in the rough ER.
  • Types of RNA

    Types of RNA
    There are three types of RNA. mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA. mRNA carries the information, the m standing for messenger. tRNA transfers amino acids, the t standing for transfer. rRNA forms sub units on a ribosome to help decode mRNA, the r stands for ribosomal.
  • Codon Chart

    Codon Chart
    The code carried by RNA is made of four letters, A, U, G, and C. These are read in three letter increments called codons. A codon chart displays the different ones, since there are 60 different combinations.