623 BCE
The Birth of Siddhartha Gautama
Lumbini; the birthplace of Siddhartha, the Buddha. Siddhartha belonged to the caste system of the Kshatriya, the warrior rulers caste. A seer read the horoscope of the baby boy and saw auspicious signs of a great being. Upon Siddhartha body, including the mark of a wheel on his feet. It is said that the Buddha was born with certain marks on his body. The 32 marks. The seer established that he would either be a great king or be one of spirtual state and mind. -
Period: 622 BCE to 593 BCE
Early Life of Siddhartha
Siddhartha's early life saw him excel in athletics but appeared to be more interested to see how the world worked around him rather than military pursuits. Siddhartha was expected to be King! In order to persuade his son to stay in the palace; Siddhartha’s youth included his father to create a fantasy to the young prince, including the deletion of the outcasts, seductive maidens, a beautiful wife, etc. -
607 BCE
Siddhartha Marries Princess Yasodhara
Princess Yasodhara and Siddhartha were married when he was at the early age of 16, so was his wife. -
593 BCE
The Great Renunciation
There were four journeys and four signs/encounters that changed Siddhartha’s life forever. These included;
- Siddhartha noticed an old man, painfully making his way through a village.
- Siddhartha noticed a sick man, consisting of disease
- Siddhartha saw a corpse, being carried to the funeral place.
- Siddhartha encountered a man wearing a simple robe, with a begging bowl before him. This is the time when he left his family and the palace; in order to seek truth of universal suffering. -
Period: 593 BCE to 588 BCE
Attaining Enlightenment
Siddhartha followed a very strict regime of fasting and deprivation until he almost starved to death. Whilst sitting under the Bodhi Tree, Siddhartha had to face great torment, including the Demon Mora; the Lord of Ego and Illusion. Siddhartha fought off Mora’s army of demons and also fought the temptation of Mora’s three daughters. -
588 BCE
Siddhartha is Enlightened
In entrance into deep meditation, Siddhartha throughout the following night experienced a succession of realisations that culminated into a final form of understanding in regards to the cause of human suffering and sorrow. -
Period: 588 BCE to 543 BCE
Buddha Continues His Teachings
The Buddha spent the next forty-five years travelling throughout North-Eastern India, teaching in conjuction with ordaining monks. -
587 BCE
The First Sermon in the Deer Park
Hesitated to spread truths, he eventually went into the Deer Park of Sarnath where he explained the essence of his teachings in form of the Four Noble Truths. He was able to encapsulate with the first 'Turning of the Wheel of the Law'. The Noble Eightfold Paths were also viable during this time. He also issued out Buddhist monks to spread his teachings. -
Period: 586 BCE to 585 BCE
Buddha's Reputation in Western Hindustan
During this short period of time, Buddha establishes a great reputation in western Hindustan by converting people to the Dharma People where able to hear these words through his very mouth, or the monks of his order. -
543 BCE
Death of Buddha
Buddha lived well into the age of 80, where he died from food poisoning where a Blacksmith at Pava, named Chunda offered him food in accordance to Buddha's arrival.