Mariano gálvez

President Mariano Gálvez

  • Period: to

    Day of birth & death day

    People state that he was one of the least corrupted Presidents that Guatemala has had.
  • Period: to

    Day of birth & death day

    People say that he was a brilliant person and that he was not a corrupted President.
  • Degree

    He was very dedicated to his studies. He was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant and outstanding men of his time; Notable jurist, progressive statesman
  • Degree

    He was very dedicated to his studies. He was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant and outstanding men of his time; Notable jurist, progressive statesman.
  • Private counselor

    He served as a private counselor to Gabino Gaínza during his administration of the State of Guatemala.
  • Civil Wr

    Civil Wr
    Gálvez took part with the Federalists and headed a revolutionary movement against the Unitarian government.
  • Won against Justo Milla

    Won against Justo Milla
    Where he defeated Colonel Justo Milla in the battle of Trinidad.
  • Period: to

    Elected President

    During his government he created several reforms in the city and enacted laws such as civil marriage and divorce. He belonged to the liberal party and was accused by his opponents of the conservative party, a fact that caused the end of his government.
  • New Laws

    This year he made remarks. He ordered the suppression of taxes to the Church, eliminated the vast majority of religious holidays, authorized civil marriage and legalized divorce.
  • Ending of his government

    Cholera struck the state of Guatemala, leaving approximately 1,000 dead and 3,000 infected with the bacteria. The epidemic particularly hit the poor and indigenous people in the highlands of the state and spread rapidly.
  • Educacion

    The famous Lancastrian system began to be tried, which at that time was considered the optimum, and which is well known for the help that the teacher made himself give by his gifted disciples, who received the name of "monitors."
  • After Death

    He states that his country will not have his remains, but his remains was sent back to Guatemala.