President Calvin Coolidge

By RT2023
  • John Calvin Coolidge Sr

    John Calvin Coolidge Sr
    This is his dad he was a buisness man and made calvin work hard in the factory's with him when he was growing up. he is from vermont
  • Victoria Josephine Moor

    Victoria Josephine Moor
    She is Calvins mom and she loved him a lot. her life was cut short when calvin was only 10 years old so calvin grew up most of his life without a mom
  • Birth

    Calvin Coolidge was born July 4, 1933 in a small town in Plymouth, Vermont. He was named after his dad John Calvin Coolidge
  • Abigail Grace Coolidge

    Abigail Grace Coolidge
    This was Calvin's sister who was very close to calvin. they attended the same acadamys growing up and her life was cut short at only 15 and this deeply affected calvin
  • Abigal dies

    Abigal dies
    His sisiter abigal dies at only 15 as she became sick of appedentics and her loss what very painfull for him.
  • Academy

    He attended Black River Academy in Ludlow with his sister Abbie where his mother also attended
  • College

    After graduating from Academy Coolidge went to Amherst college in Northampton, Masseschussets
  • Marriage

    in 1905 Calvin got married to Grace Anna Coolidge. They remained married until death. When they got married they got a pet raccoon
  • First child

    First child
    Calvin's first child was John Coolidge. When John was 16 he died of a foot blister
  • Second child

    Second child
    Calvin's second kid was Calvin Jr Coolidge he was born in 1908 just 2 years after his older brother John
  • Governmental positions

    Governmental positions
    He was Mayer of Northampton, then years later became Government of Massachusetts in 1918. He was being praised across the country as a hero of law ad order
  • Politcal party

    Politcal party
    Calvin's political party was republican. He won the popular vote in almost every state in the south
  • Have Faith in Massachussets

    Have Faith in Massachussets
    In 1919 Calvin wrote a book of speeches and mesages of having faith in masseschusets
  • Pet Racoon

    Pet Racoon
    Him and his wife had a pet named rebbeca. this pet was a raccoon and they would walk him around on a leash around the white house.
  • Vice president

    Vice president
    in 1923 Coolidge was vice president for Waren G harding and his death cuased coolidge to become president
  • elceted as president

    elceted as president
    in 1924 Calvin Coolidge was elected president of the united states in Cleveland Ohio where he was nominated the first ballot.
  • Warren G Hardings death

    Warren G Hardings death
    In 1923 Waren G Harding died as president and becuase calvin was his vice presidnet he became president becuase of his death
  • Silent Cal

    Silent Cal
    Elected in his own right in 1924, Coolidge gained a reputation as a small-government conservative with a taciturn personality and dry sense of humor that earned him the nickname "Silent Cal".
  • Immigration acts of 1924

    Immigration acts of 1924
    In 1924 Calvin Coolidge signed the Immigration Act, This act limited the number of immigrants could enter the united states.
  • Calvin Jr dies

    Calvin Jr dies
    On July, 7, 1924 Calvin Jr died. His death was cuased by playing a tennis match and getting a blister on his foot. He didn't think to tell anyone about this and later died of it.
  • 1924 election results

    1924 election results
    in 1924 calvin had 15,725,016 votes where John W. Davis in second had 8,386,503 and calvin also had 382 electrol votes
  • Vice president

    Vice president
    Charles gates Dawes was the vice president when Calvin was president and he was born august 27 1865 and died april 23, 1951
  • Air Commerce act

    Air Commerce act
    Air Commerce Act was passed in 1926. This landmark legislation charged the Secretary of Commerce with fostering air commerce, issuing and enforcing air traffic rules, licensing pilots, certifying aircraft, establishing airways, and operating and maintaining aids to air navigation.
  • Fishing trip

    Fishing trip
    This fishing trip was to South Dakota. He loved to fish and on this trip is where he anounced he would not be running for president no longer,
  • revenue acts

    revenue acts
    in !929 Calvin Coolidge signed the revenue acts, this said reduced inheritance and personal income taxes, cancelled many excise imposts, eliminated the gift tax and ended public access to federal income tax returns.
  • Calvin Leaves office

    Calvin Leaves office
    In 1929 calvin left office. His sons death took a toll in this action and made calvin have depression
  • Great depression

    Great depression
    in 1929 the great depression started and some people blamed Coolidge for his lack of business for contributing events that set of the great deprssion
  • Location he retired to

    Location he retired to
    After retiring he went home with his wife to northampton massesschussets. After a few years of being retired he died on january 5 1933
  • Calvins death

    Calvins death
    In 1933 Calvin coolidge died. The cuase of this death was from a heart attack. He died in his house in Northampton
  • Calvin Buried

    Calvin Buried
    He was buried in Plymouth North Cemetry in Vermont, a lot of people attened the short lived calvin coolidge