
Pierpoints journey- Michael Dart

  • Richard Pierpoint was born

    Richard Pierpoint was born
    Richard Pierpoint was born around this date in Bondo, Senegambia, West Africa. He might have been Wolof or Mandinke, but was probably a Fulani
  • His Journey in slavery started

    His Journey in slavery started
    He was captured and his hands where bound and his neck was tied to other men and woman. He was marched to the broad Gambia and boated down stream to a fort down the river by the ocean
  • Pierpoint was on the ship

    Pierpoint was on the ship
    He was bound hip to hip with the other people. It smelt horid and was a terrible place to live for the months he lived on it. Every day he was brought above deck and fed. Then they would splash them with ice cold water. some slaves would escape and jump into the ice cold ocean. most of the ones who died had succemed of the "Blood flux"
  • Pierpoint was sold

    he was brought ot market in chales town south carolina. he was bought by Pierpoint a british soldier and named richard
  • He finally got off the boat

    After two months of horror he got off the boat probably in barbados. He was given a salve to rub on his skin and fatened up for weeks. When he looked presentable he was taken to market to be sold