Draft Day
Since the day Peyton Manning was drafted and started playing for the Indianapolis Colts, Manning has been known to be one of the best players at making decisions in which he supports the team and is able to get the best of every player. Manning has always been able to choose the right plays and the right formations in order for his teammates to play better. -
Manning is always working hard
Peyton Manning has always been a hard worker when comming to his team. Peyton is always working as hard as possible so that he can improve as a player and that way, allow his teammates to improve more and more. -
Manning Studies for the Best
Manning is known for being one of the smartes players to ever set foot on a football field. Manning is all game long either playing, or thinking for ways in which the team can improve and avoid mistakes. He is always coming up with new ideas and goals for the team. This way, he has helped the team keep on improving more and more each time. -
Manning Released from Colts
Manning knew one thing was needed so that the Indianapolis Colts could find success not only their next year, but in the future. For that, he needed to make a very big change, leaving the Colts. If Manning would have chosen what was better for him, he would have stayd with the Colts, but he knew that by leaving he would help them build better for the future, and at the same time, help the Denver Broncos, his new team. Manning chose what was better for the team, not himself. -
Manning Signs With Broncos
Manning had the courage to sign with a very bad team who had come from a very lucky but bad season. With this, he was able to take a risk that in the long run, has helped the Broncos a lot helping them reach the playoffs ever since he signed with them. Manning had the courage to go to a bad team rather than a good one, so that he could help a team become a higher level team. -
Superbowl Loss
Even after loosing a superbowl to the Seahawks, Manning has been able to stay positive causing the team to keep on working hard and fighting for the next season rather than just giving up and feeling as if they have lost everything even though they were defeated 43 points to 8. -
Manning dances "Rocky Top"
Peyton Manning is probably one of the most seruis players in the whole leage. He is a man that you rarely see smiling, especially when he is during training or a game, which he takes very seriously. On July 28, Manning decided to change that, dancing randomly in one of the preseason trainings to entertain his teammates. Manning has also done funny commercials with his brother Eli making people know his funny side and feel happier when watching him. -
Manning Breaks the Record
Manning has always been known for being a risk taker, always looking for the pass that might give him the touchdown, rather than the pass that could only give him 2-5 yards. That was reflected on October 19, when Manning broke the all time carreer touchdowns record with 509 touchdowns in total. Even after that, Manning is still taking the risk, adding more and more touchdowns to the record, but always making his teammates feel as if it is because of them that he is able to do so. -
"I stunk today"
On November 2nd, Manning admited that it was partly his fault the reason why they lost horribly against the Patriots, and even with that, he was able to state what they goals are and how they are planning on achieving them, aknowledging how they might be hard to acomplish, but not impossible. He is always looking for ways to improve himself to be able to help his teammates improve also. -
Manning keeps on making the right calls
Peyton knows he has the power to make any change he wants to on offense, and instead of always making changes so that he can look better on the next play, he makes changes so that the team can improve and the ones looking good are the teammates arround him.