Developmental changes
Today, someone is born. This kid will pass through a lot of changes during his life. Some of them will be individual, some of them will be through interaction with their peers and others will be from the whole society, but unavoidably, they will affect him. -
Period: to
From newborn to adolescence
Period: to
Piaget, sensorimotor stage
Period: to
Gets skills to relate with the environment
Period: to
Emotions influence his life
Period: to
Self-regulation acquisition
Period: to
Piaget, preoperational stage
Period: to
Emotional consciousness
Period: to
Begins to conform to emotional display rules
Period: to
Identity construction
Period: to
Role of education in the development process
Bio-ecological theory
This is the first year in the school for Paul. He is now used to it, but at the beginning he was so scared of having to interact with all that people. Now, apart of their parents, there is also the school, the peers, the kids in the park right after going out the school… All influences him, even the social norms that he is beginning to learn. -
Period: to
Piaget, concrete operational stage
Mood and emotions
Today Paul is in a bad mood. It is difficult to believe because today is his birthday, he has been gifted with a new bike, in the school he has got an excellent from an exam… All this situations caused him positive emotions, but he keeps being in a bad mood, today is simply a bad day. -
Sociocultural theory
Paul is in the fourth year of Primary education, as he is a big child, now they learn by projects, that means they research information and they share it with the rest of the group, and at the end with all the class. That makes them learn much more, as they learn the aspects that they would never wondered. Paul is always surprised of the amount of things that he learns thanks to his peers ideas. -
Period: to
Piaget, formal operational stage
Identity formation
Paul begins to think that he is a nerd. All his peers think that he is a freak that only studies and play videogames, and his parents also tell him that he should make more friends, but it does not matter for him. He is happy to be a nerd, and he thinks it is better than to be other things. -
Multiple intelligences
Now, Paul is in the first year of secondary education. He begins to work more and his intelligence becomes analyzed and classified. He discovers that he is very logic, so he easily solves mathematical problems but, for example, he doesn’t know how to make relations with the new people he finds in the high school. He finds difficulties to make friends. -
The enneagram
Paul is an achiever. He always wants to be the best. He has always the best grades in the class, and in his little big world of video games, he also tries to break all records. -
Opening and Blocking emotions
Paul is now in the last course of ESO. Now he is going to the bachelor, so he is very scared and overwhelmed. In addition, he does not know what to do with his future, so he is confused. All this emotions become a blockage, and he begins to have bad grades in the exams. Fortunately, one teacher talks to him and calms him down. It is not necessary to be scared, he had always good marks and he will keep having them, and he will decide his future whenever he decides.