Paul Feyerabend

  • Birth

    Born in Vienna. Son of a civil servant and a seamstress.
  • Service in the Nazi Army

    He received the Iron Cross in March 1944. He was advanced from private soldier to lance corporal, to sergeant, and then, at the end of 1944, to lieutenant.
  • Period: to

    Return to Vienna

    Feyerabend recovered from his injuries and took an interest in Philosophy, even meeting philosopher of science Karl Popper
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    In 1952 Feyerabend came to England to study under Popper. 1953 he returned to Vienna not sure he wanted to be Poppers research assistant.
  • Lecturer

    With the help of Popper and Schrödinger, Feyerabend secured his first academic post lecturing in philosophy of science at the University of Bristol
  • Move to Berkley

    In 1958, Feyerabend had been invited to spend one year at the University of California at Berkeley
  • Science upturned

    In 1970, he published a long article entitled “Against Method” in which he attacked several prominent accounts of scientific methodology.
  • Death

    Feyerabend died in the Genolier clinic (Genolier, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland), February 11th. Several major memorial symposia and colloquia on his work took place over the next two years.