Paul Feyerabend

  • The Birth of Feyerabend

    The Birth of Feyerabend
    Paul Feyerabend was born in Vienna in 1924 and died in 1994. He studied at the University of Vienna. Feyerabend is one of Karl Popper’s biggest critics
  • Period: to

    Early Life

  • War

    In 1940 he was drafted into the Arbeitsdienst (the work service introduced by the Nazis). Later, he was drafted into the Pioneer Corps of the German army where he learned of his mother’s suicide in 1943.
  • University

    Feyerabend received his doctorate in philosophy. He then traveled to England to study under Popper at the London school of Economics. He did not stay long under Popper and after just a year he travel back to Vienna.
  • Quantum

    The first article on Quantum mechanics and on Wittgenstein was published. After the publication he took up a full-time job as a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Bristol.