• Exopsition: Setting

    It is January, where the winter is at it's harshest.
  • Exposition: Setting

    The setting of the story takes place in Klondike, Yukon in Canada.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Tom Vincent is the main character who is described as big-boned and very self-assured.
  • Rising Action

     He makes his way up Paul Creek, leaving Calumet Camp behind him.
  • Rising Action

     He takes a break and has lunch on a fallen tree.
  • Rising Action

    The cold starts to take over and he is forced to warm himself up by running.
  • Climax

    The climax of the story is when he falls into the water, forcing him to dry off very quickly; this is life or death for him.
  • Falling Action

    He attempts to build a fire for warmth and fails.
  • Falling Action

    He attempts to build a fire once more, failing again.
  • Falling Action

    He attempts to build a fire again, and is successful!
  • Resolution

    Tom Vincent makes it home safely, completing his journey.