By 35639
  • Exposition: setting

    Exposition: setting
    The setting is described as a bleak January day. The man leaves Calumet Camp on the Yukon and heads to the divide between Paul Creek and Cherry Creek while the weather is sixty degrees below zero. His trail consists of thirty miles ahead.
  • Exposition: characterization

    Exposition: characterization
    The main character is described in the exposition of the story as being a “strapping young fellow, big-boned and big-muscled, with faith in himself and in the strength of his head and hands.”
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    After the man finishes his sandwich, he realizes he is beginning to lose feeling in his fingers.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Despite the frost bite developing in his hands, the man continues on his travels to the Cherry Creek Divide, which is frozen solid and runs alongside the mountains.
  • Climax

    As he nears the middle of the frozen creek, the man breaks through the ice, and his feet plunge into the freezing water. After this obstacle, he decides to build a fire.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    The man proceeds to fight for his life against the elements of nature.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    An abundance of snow falls, blotting out the man's fire.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    After burning his hands upon many attempts, the man is finally able to create a fire as a source of warmth.
  • Resolution

    The man begins his return home.