
  • Joseph is born

    Joseph is born
    Joseph is born to jacob and his wife rachel and is born yongest in the family. Jacobs brothers were jellouse of him since the day he was born. he was the favorite because he was the youngest.
  • Period: to

    Joseph dies

  • learns to crawl walk and run

    Joseph learn to walk. this gives him one of the most vauable tools needed in life so that way he can herd sheep and do other things and life.
  • Joseph goes to school

    Joseph begins school beings to learn about God. Jospeh is taught about God by his family, teachers, parents grandparents, and eveyone else involed in his life.
  • works in the field

    joseph learns how to herd sheep along with feeding and taking care of them.This is necissary because he need to be able to help his family when the rest of them get old and he is still young and able to take care of them and make sure they always have enough to eat.
  • Period: to

    joseph helps his dad build a stable

    it was a verry strong stabel that housed all of the farm animals
  • joseph begins to have dreams

    The Lord begins to give Joseph dreams about the future. Dreams of grain where all bowing down to his stalk of grain. when he told his family they thought it was wrong and in disbelief they were angry with him! >:(
  • Joseph gets a coat of many colors.

    Joseph gets a coat of many colors.
    joseph's father gives him a coat with many colors and his father clearly shows favorittsm to his youngest son. his other sons get very angry and jellouse and plot to kill \ get rid of Joesph.
  • Jospeh gets beat up.

    when he gets to where his brother's are they beat him up take his coat and throw him into a ditch and sell him to persain people. Joesph was then sold into cslavery
  • joseph gets sold.

    his brothers sell him to the persions. he is a slave for pharo. When he gets to Pharos house he is working there for a long time. One day while he was walking Pharo's wife came to him and grabed his shirt and asked for a kisss but when he refused her she got angry with him and ran and told her husband that Jospeh tried to rape her. phaor then had joseh thrown into jail.
  • Joseph goes to jail

    when joseph goes to jail he meets a baker and a royal food tester. They had these dreams but they didnt know what they ment so they asked joseph what they ment and God gave him the answers and they came true. one man went back to work at the palace
  • Pharo has strange dreams

    Pharo begins to have strange dreams and begins to question what his dreams mean and wants answers. when none of his magions and "wise men" know the royal food tester rembers Joseph and tells Pharo that he can interpret dreams. So Pharo sends for Joseph
  • Joseph tells pharo

    Joseph tells pharo
    Joseph tells Pharo about his dream and how there is going to be a fammin and they need to start saving there food so there is enough to feed all the people in the land. When Pharo learns this he takes joseph out of prison and makes him Second in command.
  • The fammin

    The fammin takes place just as Joseph said it would and there was enough food for the land. Pharo is verry happy with the out come of what happened. Josephs brothers hear that there is food in egypt and make the long journy to Egypt.
  • joesphs tells his brothers the truth.

    Josephs brothers came to egypt to get food for there village. Joseph knew who his brothers were but they didnt know who he was. He put them in jain for being potencial spys. Later joseph told them who he really was and his brothers were shocked.
  • josephs death

    joseph was very old when he died. He was 110 years old. he knew that his life was ending just before he passed.