Oskar Schindler

By 18lees
  • Early life

    He was born in April 28,1908 and attended lots of trade schools in Brno.
  • More early life

    More early life
    After attending trade school he married Emilie Pelzl he served in the Czechoslovak army and began working with the Amt Auslands.
  • Businesses

    After the invasion and occupation of Poland he moved to Kraków and started his own company.
  • More into war

    After the S.S re-designated a concentration camp in Plaszow he got the S.S to convert the factory into a sub camp.
  • Work

    One of his assistants found a list of about 1,200 Jewish prisoners that needed to work this became "Schindler list".
  • Start of war

    Start of war
    He changed his plant to Emalia which had jews and polish people, about 1,000 Jews were forced laborers.
  • More in the war

    Schindler got authorization to relocate one of his companies and reopen it as a Armaments factory.
  • More in the war

    Schindler got authorization to relocate one of his companies and reopen it as a Armaments factory.
  • Camp life

    The factory saved over 1,000 jews from the horror and brutality of normal camp life. Schindler left the day soviet troops liberated the camp.
  • After the war

    After the war
    Emilie and Schindler moved to regensburg until 1949, then in 1957 immigrated to Argentina. They were permentaly seperated but not divorced and later Schindler got awarded the title "righteous among the nations". He later died almost unknown and penniless.