One Week Assignment - Leonard Pearlin's Psychological Distress by. William Phonthepsone
Leonard Pearlin - Psychological distress
Period: to
Leonard Pearlin's Physiological Distress
Ben Finds Out He Has Cancer
In the movie, when Ben finds out he has cancer; it acts as a stressor. As he recalls back to some of the events of his life and to see he had any regret for, like the wedding and wanting to call it off. -
Ben Decides To Go On A Trip To Find Grumps
Instead of seeking treatment right away, Ben decides to go on a road trip to find grumps. Instead of doing what the adult thing to do was, Ben decides to do the things that he has always wanted to do but never had the chance, like buying a motorcycle. Leonard Pearlin believed that a person could change their life structure at any time and Ben did exactly that by postponing his wedding and heading to the road. -
On the road
While on the road he calls Samantha Pierce (his soon to be wife). She tries to convince him to come home, but he is reluctant as he is feeling stability on the road and was not ready to become a patient. -
Samantha Pierce
One of the 4 elements that determine the path an individual takes was individual characteristics like personality. At one point of the movie, the narrator talks about all of the differences Ben and Samatha have. Samantha was the type of person to plan everything for the future while Ben wanted to live in the present. This ultimately leads to Ben questioning the entire relationship altogether. -
Ben Finds His Grumps
After looking for so long, Ben finds his grumps in the last event of his road trip while surfing. He used this as one of his ways of coping with the stress of cancer. -
Ben returns
The third element of determining an individuals life path was a social support network. This was ultimately one of the main things that lead Ben back to home. His parents and Samatha called him constantly trying to convince him to get treatment.