Of mice and men

By None12
  • By the river

    By the river
    Here we are introduced to the characters George Milton, and Lennie Small, going by a river to rest. George small yet with strong hands, and Lennie Big and strong.
  • Both got the job

    Both got the job
    Even though they were both supposed arrive yesterday they still got hired
  • Lennie hears about Slims puppies

    Lennie hears about Slims puppies
    Upon hearing that Slim's dog has puppies, Lennie got interested in buying one
  • George and Lennie plans about their future

    George and Lennie plans about their future
    George and Lennie start to dream and plan about the future land they would get after this job and being overheard by Candy, Candy decided to join in.
  • Lennie fight Curley

    Lennie fight Curley
    Curley after asking where his wife at, he looked at Lennie and saw him smiling and so wants to fight. After Curley threw some punches into Lennie, George yells to Lennie to get him and so Lennie grabbed Curley's hand and crushed it.
  • Lennie kills Curley's wife

    Lennie kills Curley's wife
    After some time Lennie found out that his puppy died and so buried it in the barn, from there he was seen by Curley's wife and so talked between each other. At some point, Lennie tells her he likes soft things, and Curley's wife let him touch her hair. Lennie stroking it hard made her stagger back and try to have him let go, when he did not let go she started to struggle, Lennie flung her to the ground, breaking her neck.
  • Group finds the body

    Group finds the body
    Upon seeing the body of the dead wife, the guys concluded that Lennie killed her and went out to find him. Curley ordered George to join so he can prove his innocence
  • Mercy Killing

    Mercy Killing
    Since George ordered Lennie to hide in a certain area if in troubled, he knows where he would find him and sure enough, he found him. There they talked for a while saying the lines that Lennie wanted to hear. Eventually, George went up grabbed Carlson's gun from his back, aimed it at the back of Lennie's neck and pulled the trigger. Afterwards the group found the two, and Slim help George up and went for a drink.