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Oedipus Rex

  • 1 CE

    Oedipus is born

    Oedipus is born
    Oedipus is born to Laius and Jocasta of Thebes.
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    A prophecy is told

    A prophecy is told
    A prophecy is foretold that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother.
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    Oedipus is cast out

    Oedipus is cast out
    Fearing that the prophecy will come true Oedipus is left on a mountainside to die.
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    Oedipus is saved by a shepherd

    Oedipus is saved by a shepherd
    Oedipus is saved from the mountainside by a shepherd.
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    Oedipus Adopted

    Oedipus Adopted
    Oedipus is taken in as one of Polybus´s sons and is never told of his true descent.
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    Oedipus doubts his fathers valitidy.

    A man tells Oedipus he is not his father's son, and this makes him question who he truly his.
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    Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx

    Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx
    Oedipus finally solves the riddle of the sphinx, defeating her.
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    Oedipus kills Lauis

    Many years later Oedipus kills Lauis at a crossroads near Thebes. Unbeknownst to him, Lauis was his father.
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    Oedipus crowned king

    Oedipus crowned king
    The people of Thebes crown Oedipus their king after he defeats the sphinx. He replaces their former leader Lauis who was actually killed by Oedipus,
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    Oedipus marries Jocasta

    Oedipus marries Jocasta
    Shortly after becoming king, Oedipus marries former queen Jocasta. Neither of them knowing that Jocasta is actually Oedipus´s mother.
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    Oedipus and Jocasta have children

    Oedipus and Jocasta have children
    Oedipus has 2 boys and 2 girls with Jocasta.
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    A plauge falls on Thebes

    A plauge falls on Thebes
    During Oedipus´s rule, a plague falls upon the city of Thebes.
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    Another prophecy

    Another prophecy
    Creon, a messenger sent by Oedipus, relays that the Oracle of Delphi said to eradicate the plague by exiling the killer of Lauis.
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    The Blind seer

    A blind seer called on by Creon says that Oedipus was the killer of Laius. However, the people of Thebes won't accuse Oedipus until they have more concrete evidence.
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    The Shepherd

    The Shepherd
    Oedipus and Jocasta meet the shepherd that found Oedipus on the mountain. It is confirmed that Oedipus is the son of Laius and Jocasta by the scars on his ankles from when he was found as a baby.
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    Jocastas suicide

    Jocastas suicide
    Jocasta can't bear the sadness after finding out she has been married to her son. She hangs herself, and Oedipus finds her body, he then gouges his own eyes out so he won't have to see her anymore.
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    Oedipus´s exile

    After finding out Oedipus killed Laius and married his own mother they exile him. Oedipus understands and doesn't fight back, just asking to hug his daughters one last time.