

  • Markus Persson is born in Stockholm, Sweden

    Markus Persson is born in Stockholm, Sweden
  • Notch first starts Coding

    Notch first starts Coding
    Notch was given his first ever comidore 128 when his dad aquired one when he was seven years old. He was subscribed to a computer magizine that taught him basic coding skills. He happed to play arround with the code engough that when he was eight he made his first game (Handy). This shows his coding prowess at an early age and shows that he had been using computers for most of his life.
  • Minecraft Released In Pre-Alpha

    Minecraft Released In Pre-Alpha
    Minecraft was released in a pre-alpha state that was known as cave game. Notch talked about the history of minecraft at MineCon 2013 he discusses how it was similar in aesthetics to the current version of minecraft. It was a blocky world that was inspired by Infiniminer and his previous game RubyDung (alabasterwanted). This was the genesis of the massive indie hit that would later become minecraft.
  • He was married, but it fell apart

    He was married, but it fell apart
    In 2011, he married Zetterstrand, but it did not last long. He spent more time with work and activities .He got the opportunity to do almost all of the things he wanted to do. He was eventually divorced(About,Peisner). This upset him for a time, but he admits the failing of his relationships was probably due to his success.
  • Markus's Dad Comitted Sucide

    Markus's Dad Comitted Sucide
    Notch's Dad was had medication for depression or bipolar disorder and started abusing it. Then his father started to drink again. Nobody knew he had a handgun and he ended his life (Peisner). This shook notch especally because his dad was one of the main people who pushed him to start up Minecraft.
  • Notch leaves Mojang

    Notch leaves Mojang
    Notch leaves Mojang after the Microsoft buyout. He says that this is for his sanity, not to do with any economic reasons ("I’m Leaving Mojang). The goes onto say that he is just a programmer, and is not a buisnessman. This raised many complaints from the fans about the aquisition of Mojang by Mcrosoft and has divided the community about the future of minecraft.