When was Ambrose born?
Ambrose was born in May 23 1824. -
Family history?
He was the son of a court clerk and a farmer. -
US military Academy at West Point. -
What part of the civil war army was he in?
Union major general -
Jobs outside army
He resigned his commished and founded Bristol Rifle Works a company that produced breech loading rifles. -
What important battles was he in?
He was in the battle of crater. It was located in Northern Virginia. The confederate state of america fount it the battle.The general was robert E Lee. It was wanted to protect the crater. The conferderate won. 504 were killed and 1881 were wounded and 1413 were missing or captuered -
When Where and How did he die?
He died on Sept. 13 1881 in bristol RI of a heart disease.