Nikola Tesla Inventions

  • U.S. Congress Declairs War on Spain

    On April 25, 1898, the U.S. congress declared war on Spain because the U.S. supported the Cubans and Filipinos, who went against the Spanish Rule. This was important because it killed many people in the U.S. and in Spain.
  • Nikola Tesla Birth

    In 1856, Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan. This was important in history because he invented many important things.
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    Nikola Tesla

  • Neon Lights

    The neon light was Nikola Tesla’s version of neon lights we have today to use as signs to form words and designs. Neon signs continue to exist, lighting up restaurants, gas stations, hotels, and other signs along the road. This is important in history because if you go driving at night, you can tell the difference between a gas station and day care center.
  • Radio

    Nikola Tesla did non invent the radio necessarily,(Guglielmo Marconi did!) but he invented the energy for the radio. He did this by using light bulbs, wires, and a long glass tube. This is important because we would not have the radio until much later.
  • Early X-Ray

    When experimenting with tubes, Tesla realized that a light appeared from one of them. He continued to investigate this but his notes and his efforts were lost in a fire in his laboratory in 1895. Even after the fire, he kept researching x-rays and was the first to discover x-ray radiation was harmful. This was important in history because almost all doctors use x-rays at some time or another.
  • Remote Control Ship

    In 1898 in Madison Square Gardens, Nikola Tesla presented a radio remote controlled boat, propelled by a small motor and rudder. This was important because remote control boats are a very popular toy these days and they did not have them before Tesla.
  • Nikola Tesla Death

    Nikola Tesla died in a hotel in New York. This was important in history because that meant that there were no more inventions coming from him.