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  • Moishe the Beadle

    Moishe the Beadle
    Moishe the Beadle was a man who was poor and kept out of people's business. The first time Elie met Moishe was in 1941 while he was in the synogogue crying which led them to form a bond. One day, all foreign Jews, including Moishe, were "expelled" from Sighet. The foreigners were taken to Polish territory wheere they were forced to dig trenches before they were shot and killed, except Moishe who escaped with a shot wound in the leg. When he told his story, no one believed him.
  • Moshies Warning

    Moshies Warning
    Moshie runs to tell the Jews of Sighet that they were going to be removed from sighet and the Germans were going to put them in relocation camps. Like any normal person everybody thought he was crazy and did not phase what he said.
  • Spring 1944

    Spring 1944
    In the Spring of 1944, word was spreading that the the :Red Army" was advancing and that Hitler was not going to harm them. It wasn't until a day later, word started coming in that German troops has penetrated Hungarian territory when the Jews began to feel nervous. A few days after, German Army vehicles "made their appearence on [the streets of Sighet.]"
  • Wiesels Arrival

    Wiesels Arrival
    The cattle cars arrived to the camps, wiesel was very shocked to see where he would be living. He felt very sad as well that day because he was split from his mother and sister, he was only able to stick with his father.
  • #A7713

    Ellie Wiesel was tattooed with his serial number that would basically turn into his name in the camps, the Germans marked him with the number #A7713
  • The Hangings

    The Hangings
    Ellie witnessed many people includin a kid his age get hung. He slowly started to loose his faith in God. He was slowly becoming less and less caring for what was happening because it was becoming a everday thing.
  • Yom Kippur

    Yom Kippur
    When Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement arrives, the guards celebrate with the Jews, but Elie doesn't fast.
  • The Run

    The Run
    During the winter, the Germans forced the Jews to run through the harsh weather. Many people died being trampled or because of the cold.
  • Cattle cars

    Cattle cars
    Jewish familes were put into cattle cars to be sent to the camps. All of them would be split like a son would go with his father if he had one and a mother would go with her daughter or what ever femine relative she had.
  • Dysentery

    Elie's father fell in with dysentery and can no longer get up to "relieve himself'" and the doctor's refuse to help.
  • Death

    On January 29, 1945, Wiesel's dad's cot was being used by another sick person and he concluded that his father had been taken to the crematorium.
  • Buchenwald

    10 days after the Jews were put into cattle cars, Wiesel arrived at his last camp, Buchenwald.
  • Freedom

    On April 11, 1945, the Americans arrive at the camp and lieberate the Jews.