New Kingdom Timeline

  • 1472 BCE

    A Woman Pharaoh

    Hatsheput was the first woman to rule as Pharaoh. She helped expand Egypt's trade and build obelisks. She ruled for 15 years than dispersed.
  • 1353 BCE

    A New Belief

    When Akhenaton became pharaoh he closed the temples of other gods. Akhetaton moved 200 miles away because people were mad at him for closing the temples of other gods.
  • 1353 BCE


    One pharaoh attempted to alter this tradition when he chose to worship Aten exclusively and even changed his name to Akhenaten in honor of that god.
  • 1333 BCE

    The Down Fall Of Monotheism

    Akhenaton's new religion did not last long. Three years after his death, a young relative named Tutakhamen became Pharaoh. He got rid of monotheism and went back to polytheism.
  • 1279 BCE

    A Powerfull Pharaoh

    Ramses II reigned for 66 years. He expanded his territory into a part of Africa. He was a military leader. He made a statue of himself to make him god like.
  • 1070 BCE

    Foreign Powers

    After Ramses died, the central government weakened and foreign powers ruled Egypt like Alexander the Great, Macedonians, and then the Romans conquered Egypt.