• 64 BCE

    Great fire of Rome

    Great fire of Rome
    A massive fire broke out in Rome that destroyed many homes and Nero's reputation. It is believed that he was the one that instigated the fire, but others say that he was out of town when the fire started.
  • 58 BCE


    He fought in the Roman–Parthian war between 58 - 63 and had won which resolved the problem the Romes had with the parthians.
  • 56 BCE


    Nero started to write music and poetry. Then he started to perform it where the slaves were living and his popularity sky rocketed with the lower-class people.
  • 55 BCE


    Nero's mother had been trying to influence him on how he was going to run Rome, and got in the way of many things and tasks. He then had her killed and his wife Claudia Octavia because it was not his choice to have her as his wife. He supposedly killed his wife to marry his lover Poppaea Sabina.
  • 53 BCE

    Reigning Rome

    Reigning Rome
    When Claudius died he became the ruler quite quickly because he was highly favored with the lower-class commoners, and the provenances. He also had the support of the senate and military.
  • 40 BCE

    Mothers Marriage

    Mothers Marriage
    After Nero's dad passed his mom married her brother, Claudius, and restored his name to the throne. Claudius also favored him more than his own son so he was next to become the heir of the throne
  • 39 BCE

    Death of father(Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus)

    Death of father(Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus)
    When he was only two years old his father died, and left his mom to care for him.
  • 68


    After the Great fire of Rome Gaius Julius Vindex, who was a senator in Rome, revolted against Nero, and with all of his followers made Nero flee from Rome. Gaius Julius Vindex found that Nero was a public enemy and was condemned to death, but then he fled from Rome then committed suicide.
  • 69

    After death

    After death
    When the people found out he died it started a civil war that lasted a year with four different people ruling.