Neil armstrong

Neil Armstorng

  • The date was born

    The date was born
    He was born
  • He became

    He became a midshipman
  • He was hit

    He was hit
    He was hit by anti-aircraft fire
  • He joined the

    He joined the
    Armstrong joined the NASA Astronaut Corps in the second, which was selected in 1962.
  • He made his first

    He made his first spaceflight as commander of Gemini 8 in March 1966.
  • What hepened in July 1969?

    What hepened in July 1969?
    In July 1969, Armstrong and Apollo 11 Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin performed the first manned Moon landing
  • What hapened in 1978?

    President Jimmy Carter presented Armstrong with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978.