#p3c MR

  • Exposition: setting

    Exposition: setting
    The story begins on a cold January day in Klondike Canada. The character Ben Vincent was on his way to cherry creek.
  • Exposition: characterization

    Exposition: characterization
    The character Tom Vincent was stubborn, determined and strong.
  • Rising action

    Rising action
    The rising action starts when Tom Vincent takes off his gloves and his fingers are numb. He gets up and starts walking again to warm up.
  • Climax

    The climax of the story is when he attempts to walk over the frozen creek and breaks through the ice and falls into the water.
  • Falling action

    Falling action
    The falling action was when Tom kept dropping his matches and could not make a fire and he realizes that he is fighting for his life.
  • resolution

    The resolution is when he made it back to camp.