Period: Apr 3, 1500 to
European settlement
Period: Apr 4, 1500 to
Apr 3, 1520
Small Pox
A small pox epidemic hit the Native Americans from the Europeans -
Apr 3, 1524
French adventurer Verrazzand discovers New York Harbor -
Apr 3, 1553
Jacques Cartier
A Frenchmen by the name of Jacques Cartier Navigates St. Lawrence River and Names island Montreal -
Jamestown Founded on coast of Virginia -
Samuel de Champlain
French Explorer Samuel founds the colony of Quebec -
Henry Hudson
Henry Hudson claims land that becomes New Netherland -
Plymouth Massachusetts
Found English Colony in Plymouth Massachusetts -
King Philip's War
King Philip's War begines with Colonial cillages of Massachusetts between colonists and native Americans -
New York
New York found by Duke of York -
Sieur de la Salle
Sieur de la Salle explores lower mississippi and founds Louisiana -
French and Indian war
War between British and French