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Nate Saint: Jungle Pilot

  • Birth

    Nathanael Saint born to Lawrence and Katherine Saint. As a child, Nate was known as Thanny to his six older and one younger sibling. He had a close friendship with his sister Rachel that would continue throughout their lives.
    Photocopied from Jungle Pilot, p. 161
  • Nate's First Plane Ride

    Nate's First Plane Ride
    Nate, who was a mischievous and fun loving kid growing up in Pennsylvania, gained a love for flying from an early age because his older brother Sam, a pilot, took him for his first ride at seven years old.
    Photo: Photocopied from Jungle Pilot, p. 161
  • Profession of Faith in Christ

    Profession of Faith in Christ
    At the age of thirteen, influenced by his godly parents as well as the new church they attended, Nate made a public profession of faith in Jesus as his Savior at Pinebrook camp.
    Photo: "DaveBlockOnline"
  • Sickness

    Nate was bedridden for many weeks because of osteomyelitis. During this time, he rededicated his life to the Lord, promising faithfulness and surrender if the Lord chose to heal him, yet confident in his salvation if He did not. Photo: Perpetual Adoration O Come Let Us Adore Him. "The ability to avoid surrender."
  • Joins Military

    Joins Military
    At eighteen years old, following his dream of becoming a pilot, Nate goes into the USAF with hopes of flying in WWII. Though he completed two years in the USAF, he was not able to fulfill his dream because of a recurring instance of osteomyelitis. The training, however, allowed him to get his private pilot's license and instrument rating, as well as mechanic's license, which proved to be extremely valuable later on.
    Photo: Jungle Pilot, p. 163
  • Mexico

    After completing his time in the military, Nate journeyed to Mexico where he came face to face with challenging everyday life of a foreign missionary while he learned the language, communicated in a different culture, and experienced rustic living situations while working tirelessly to fix a small Missionary Aviation Fellowship plane.
    Photo: Jungle Pilot, p. 165
  • Wheaton College

    Wheaton College
    After finishing the project in Mexico, Nate went to Wheaton College to study for a year where he fully invested his time into his studies and into children's outreach and evangelism. Photo: Wheaton College - Wheaton, Illinois - Universities and Colleges.
  • Shell Mera, Ecuador with MAF

    Shell Mera, Ecuador with MAF
    Shortly after their marriage, Nate and Marj went to Shell Mera, Ecuador to serve the surrounding missionaries in the deep jungle. Nate flew to surrounding villages in the dense jungle where other missionaries were laboring for the gospel. Marj was active in hospitality, often housing natives, missionaries, and visiting family. Photo: Pat Berman "Travel Stories."
  • Marriage to Marj Farris

    Marriage to Marj Farris
    Nate and Marj, a nurse from California and the love of his life, were married on Valentines Day of 1948. Marj was a compassionate, fun-loving, and hospitable wife, as well as the radio operator during their time in Ecuador shortly after their marriage.
    Photo: Jungle Pilot, p. 164
  • Plane Crash in Quito

    Plane Crash in Quito
    Even with precautions taken in treacherous flying, in the take off, Nate, with Mrs. Tidmarsh and her son, were in a crash. This left Nate in a back brace temporarily, as well as with a lot of ingenuity as to how to prevent that from happening again. From then on, Nate pioneered missionary pilot safety a priority and developed skills in flight and mechanics for that. Photo: 13 WTHR. "Small Plane Crash Reported at Boone"
  • Kathy, Steve, and Phil

    Kathy, Steve, and Phil
    Nate and Marj were blessed with three children together between 1949-1953 with whom Nate spent much time, not neglecting his family for missions. Photo: Steve Saint's FAQ. "Photos & Bits of Interesting Fluff."
  • Period: to

    Furlough in California

    Nate and Marj took a 14 month long furlough to recuperate, and to talk with their supporters through MAF. After this, Nate, also flew a plane for MAF down to Ecuador.
  • Period: to

    Continued Service in Ecuador

    After their time in the U.S., Nate and Marj continued to serve together for three more years in Ecuador.
  • Life as a Missionary Pilot

    Life as a Missionary Pilot
    Nate took supplies, using his bucket drop system with his plane, Henry 56, to many surrounding missionaries with whom he worked closely. Through this work, he became connected with four other missionary couples who would all embark with Nate on a mission that became known to the whole world. Photo: Jean Paul Areeno. "Nate Saint Book."
  • Operation Auca Begins

    Operation Auca Begins
    After years of working in the jungle, Nate finally spotted an Auca village from his plane. This tribe was feared by all surrounding tribes, and was hostile to any outsiders. Together with Marj and four other missionary couples, Nate began to reach out to this tribe with his plane by dropping gifts to show intentions of friendship. Photo: "Christian Knights Comics and Media."
  • First friendly contact with Auca (Waoroni)

    First friendly contact with Auca (Waoroni)
    Nate and his four friends finally made contact with the Aucas on January 6, 1956 after setting up camp in Auca territory. Nate even took his Auca friend "George," for an airplane ride.
  • Marytrdom

    At the end of a Auca spear, Nate, along with all four other men, died on January 8, 1956. Nate was only 32 years old. Nate knew that there was a great risk, he went with caution, but left the results up to God because he loved the Auca people, and he considered himself "expendable" for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Photo: "End of the Spear Pictures"
  • Auca/Waoroni Christians!

    Auca/Waoroni Christians!
    Though this was a tragic event, it was not in vain. Two years later, Betty Elliot and Rachel Saint, Nate's sister, were invited back to the Auca territory. By God's grace, many Auca people were saved, and even some of the ones who martyred Nate and the others. This is a picture of Nate's children and grandchildren, who were baptized by Auca believers. Photo: "Steve Saint FAQs."