Napoleon Timeline

  • Consulate🟢

    Napolean got rid of the old Directory because it was weak, and in exchange he set up the Consulate, which was a three man governing board,
  • Italian Campaign🟢

    Italian Campaign🟢
    He had many victories in which he got a lot of territory in northern Italy.
  • Egyptian Campaign🟡

    Egyptian Campaign🟡
    He wanted to get in the way of British trade with India, but failed. Despite his loss, he managed to cover up the story.
  • Banque de France🟢

    Banque de France🟢
    He established it to ensure government control over the economy. It was successful.
  • Concordat of 1801🟢

    Concordat of 1801🟢
    Napolean made peace with the Catholic Church. It kept the church under control, but offered religious tolerance to Catholics.
  • Consul for life🟢

    Consul for life🟢
    He declared that he would remain on the Consulate for his whole life.
  • Declared self emporer 🟢

    Declared self emporer 🟢
    He invited the pope to crown him, but he took the crown from him and crowned himself. It was a successful demonstration of his power.
  • Napoleonic Code🟡

    Napoleonic Code🟡
    The code strengthened Enlightenment principles, but it also undid many reforms, especially those pertaining to women
  • Continental System🔴

    Continental System🔴
    The system was set up to close European ports to British goods. It backfired, because the British responded by blocking more European ports. Because of Britain’s powerful army, the system failed.
  • Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar🔴
    This battle was fought between the British Royal Navy and France. The French lost because the British Royal Navy was extremely powerful.
  • Abolished the Holy Roman Empire🟢

    Abolished the Holy Roman Empire🟢
    He set up the Confederation of Rhine, which forced the emporer to abdicate his throne.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    Resistance in Spain🔴
    Napoleon wanted to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church, but the Spaniards were loyal to the king and to the Church so they resisted. When the French tried to suppress the rebellion, it only strengthened Spanish nationalism. The Spanish used guerilla warfare, which kept the French soldiers occupied while Napolean needed them elsewhere.
  • Invasion of Russia🔴

    Invasion of Russia🔴
    The tsar or Russia withdrew support from the Continental System, so Napolean assembled the Grand Army to invade Russia. The Russians made it difficult to reach Moscow, but the French managed to make it there. Napolean had to retreat from Moscow because he couldn’t feed/supply the army through the winter. As the retreated, the Russians attached and killed much of the Grand Army.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴
    This battle was fount between France and Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia. The French were defeated.
  • Abdication 🔴

    Abdication 🔴
    Being defeated by Russia, Britain, Austra, and Prussia, he stepped down from the throne, after which he was exiled to Elba.
  • Hundred Days🟢

    Hundred Days🟢
    This marked the period where Napolean escaped from the island he was exiled to. The people celebrated when he came back.
  • Waterloo🔴

    In this battle, the British and Prussian armies defeated France.