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  • Napoleon Bonaparte was born

    Napoleon Bonaparte was born
    On August 15, 1769, Napolean was born in Ajaccio, France
  • Becoming an Officer in the French Army

    Becoming an Officer in the French Army
    When he was 9 he was put in military training so when he was 20 he was well prepared and he wanted to make a name for himself.
  • Expedition to Egypt

    Expedition to Egypt
    In 1798, Napolean led an expedition to Egypt hoping to disrupt trade between India and Britain. It was a disaster.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    This occurs when Napolean overthrows the weak directory and sets up a 3 man government
  • Napoleon's coronation

    Napoleon's coronation
    Two years later, Napolean had enough power to make everyone assume him the king. He invited the pope to this ceremony, which he then took the popes crown off of his head and put it on his own head.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic code undid some of the reforms in the French Revolution. For instance, women could not exercise their new rights. Men got complete power over their houses and wives and children. It also brought back principles of the enlightenment.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    Napolean prepared to attack England. This attack was fought over on the south coast of Spain. The english fleet smashed the French Fleet.
  • Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain

    Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Spain
    Since Napolean wanted to control most of Europe, he put his brother at the king of Spain. This way, there was not many enemies in Europe.
  • The Battle of Wagram

    The Battle of Wagram
    A battle between Austria and Napolean. Austria wanted revenge, however, Napolean triumphed again.
  • The Grand Empire

    The Grand Empire
    Napolean wanted a huge empire, so in 1812 his empire reached the peak.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napolean wanted more land, so he started going westward into Russia. However, the Russians kept retreating eastward, burning crops and houses as they went. It became too cold. So Napolean retreated. However, the Russians came back and attacked a lot of them. Napolean brought 600,000 soldiers, only about 20,000 came back.
  • Battle of the Nations

    Battle of the Nations
    The disaster in Russia brought up alliances. THe alliance was Russia Britain, Austria and Prussia. THis weakened France extremely
  • Napoleons exile to Elba

    Napoleons exile to Elba
    When Napoleon lost power, he was exiled to Elba, an island in the merridian
  • Napoleons Return

    Napoleons Return
    After King Louis lost power, Napolean came back from his exile. However this comeback, only lasted for 100 days.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    Since his return only lasted for 100 days, the allies got their forces back together, Napoleon wanted to fight them. However he was crushed again and he was sent to a different island when he was exiled. THis time he would not return
  • Napoleons exile to St. Helena

    Napoleons exile to St. Helena
    After he was crushed in the battle of Waterloo, he was exiled again. THis time to an island called St. Helena. A small island in the south Atlantic