Bruce B. PSY 240 2019 Summer Project Ashley B.

  • Born!

    My friend named Dalton was born through vaginal birth in December. He was a healthy baby weighing exactly at 7.7 LBS and 20.5 inches long. The APGAR Scale was a 7.5 which was in good condition. He had a pink body, good breathing, heart beat range from 100 to 140, coughing, sneezing, strong, and active motion. (Section 3.3 in textbook, Neonate's health and Section 3.6 Table 3.1, Measuring Neonatal Health).
  • Breastfed

    Dalton was being breastfed as an infant. The Doctors advised his mom to breastfeed due to sufficient amounts of milk to take care of her baby. Dr. Brown let dalton's mom know the benefits of breastfeeding as it prevents diseases and helps the baby develop in the long run before they was all set to leave the hospital. (Section 3.13 in textbook, Benefits of Breastfeeding).
  • Dalton's Changing

    His Mom noticed some changes of her newborn son. Dalton started growing toward the beginning of the year. His weight went from to 7.7 lbs to 22 lbs and height from 20.5 inches to 29.5 inches! Also the baby looks kind of stout. It wasn't a normal growth pattern as Dalton grew very little during the several days then grew a half inch in 2 days. (Section 4.1 in textbook, Growth Patterns).
  • Food to Survive

    Dalton's parents fed him a lot of solid foods such as soft fruit or shredded cheese when he was about 5 months old because the food provides him essential nutrients to sustain his weight throughout life. (Section 4.4 in textbook, Nutritional Needs).
  • Body Movements

    Since Dalton started changing. His mom eventually let him play with some toys where he learned how to grab it and play with it along with giving a banana to Dalton so he can peel it off by using his opposable thumb. It increases his fine motor development. Dalton started to learn how to walk when he was at his Uncle's house in which also enhances his gross development skills. (Section 4.6 in textbook, Motor Development).
  • Auditory Perception and Sight

    Dalton's ability to hear as a fetus and is presented at birth. His mom used to play the "Old Macdonald had a Farm song" when Dalton was a baby and enjoyed every second of it. As far as sight goes since it developed after birth, on one particular day his mother decides to take Dalton to the park to see the beautiful sight of the sky. (Section 4.7 in textbook, Sensory Development).
  • First Word and Gestures

    Dalton's first word is "Dada" according to his mother. The mom was so happy at that time because it was so amazing to hear her first child speak before. He was able to communicate by using his gestures. For example, Dalton used his arms to wave bye bye to his relatives every single time when they leave the house. All of it was learned at 8 months old! (Section 4.12 in textbook, First Sounds and Words).
  • Gross Motor Development Increasing

    Being at 18 months old, Dalton was being trained by his grandfather how to walk and run along with how to climb. After all the hard years of training and dedication by his grandfather. Dalton was able to walk now. At age 2, he was able to now run and climb up the stairs. He was able to learn these motor skills at his grandfather's house due to the parents working at the time and no one to take care of him so the grandfather stepped up to the plate. (Section 5.3 in textbook, Motor Development).
  • Potty Training

    Thanks to his grandfather lessons of babysitting the toddler when Dalton was about 18 months old. The age of 2, Dalton learned how to toilet trained. It continued over several weeks of training. Now, Dalton is able to control urination and defecation if he feels the need to use the small toilet. (Section 5.4 in textbook, Toilet Training).
  • Dalton Continues to Grow and Teeth Checked

    Dalton reached 3 years old. He grew 35.5 inches tall and 31.5 pounds. His grandfather drove Dalton to get his teeth checked at the dentist. Since then, he learned how to brush his teeth daily to get rid of germs in his mouth and reduce cavities due to grandfather's teachings. Dalton never experienced any cavity to this day and is not one of the 40 percent to experienced cavity at age of 5. (Section 6.1 in textbook, Bodily Growth).
  • Eating Unhealthy

    Dalton when he was 3 years old. He is known to eat a lot of unhealthy foods such as french fries, popcorn, bacon when he's with his parents on the weekends. They always spoiled him with feeding him unhealthy foods and lacked calcium along with anemia. Since his grandfather had known by this because of Dalton's weight. The grandfather fed him milk to reduce osteoporosis and have Dalton follow a healthy diet to also reduce anemia. (Section 6.3 in textbook, Eating Habits and Malnutrition).
  • Dalton's First Drawing Assignment and is a Lefty

    Dalton entered Preschool when he was around 4 years old and 9 months. His first task was to draw a bird on a paper Dalton said. He stated that the teacher sent his mother an evaluation after Dalton completed the assignment. What the teacher wrote down was that Dalton's a left hand drawer. In which, Dalton's mother was surprised because she draws with her right hand. (Section 6.6 in textbook, Handedness).
  • Playing Football

    Fastforward when Dalton was 12 years old. He was a runningback for his Hammah Sharks football team. His first game was against the saints as the score was tied up 17-17. The final play to end the game was a 75 yard touchdown run by Dalton as he sprinted to the endzone with the defenders failed to tackle him. Coaches were happy when they saw that. (Section 7.2 in textbook, Motor Development).
  • Ouch That Hurt!

    Dalton was riding his bike down the hill and all of a sudden he tripped over a rock and scraped his knee. His mom stepped out and had his father carried him back to the house and put some aloe to kill the bacteria from the accident. Later, his mother covered up the wound by putting a bandage over it. (Section 7.4 in textbook, Illness and Injuries).
  • Puberty

    Dalton noticed some changes of his body at the age of 15. He is growing hair on his arm pits, legs, arms and his private parts. His voice even got deeper than before. He is going through puberty in which he did not understand that time but as time goes on. He realizes that is what normal humans go through. (Section 8.1 in textbook, The Physical Changes of Puberty).
  • Graduating from High School

    Dalton entered high school at age 14 and graduated at age 18 which is exactly on time. It is such an accomplishment for him as he took some AP classes to help him prepare for college. (Section 8.10 in textbook, Secondary Education in the United States).
  • College Stress

    Dalton's 3rd year at college trying to pursue a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. He endured all of the math and science courses. His sleeping habits are a problem to him as he needs 8 hours of sleep to function. According to this case, he is not doing that because he needs to study for his exam in which just put a lot of pressure on him. He one time pull an all nighter to study for his physics exam. (Section 9.4 in textbook, Sleep Patterns and Deficits).
  • Working to Pay off Tuition

    In the meantime, Dalton is currently working at a clothing store to get paid so he can use that money to pay off the tuition to go to Physical Therapy School. As he is finishing up getting his bachelor's degree in Kinesiology so he can keep climbing up to become a Doctoral Physical Therapist in the later future. (Section 9.10 in textbook, Finding Adult Work).