Period: to
Summer Camp
On that summer camp Ben broke his collarbone (on the arm) by playing soccer because that new kid, called Rocco, pushed him. -
School started
All went wrong when a new kid entered to school, he shared summer camp last year Ben (the protagonist) -
New Kid at School
At school Rocko was all day long with Marvin (Ben’s Best Friend) and Ben didn’t like, when they were eating lunch Ben left for a moment and his food disappeared, Rocko didn’t say anything but Marvin gave him some of his food. -
Rocko ruins his life
All was good at school before Rocko came. Now he’s ruin Ben’s life, now it seems that everyone like him, like for example Leif told him that they are neighbors and their moms are best friends and they were born at the same hospital at the same day at the same time;
While Ben was born in a bathtub at a birthing center. He didn’t had a best friend being born at the same time, he doesn’t even have a dad. -
Ben discuss with his mom
After a tired day at school, Ben told his mom about what was happening at school with Rocko, he told as an example what happened with Leif and they discussed for some time and then Angelina (Bens big sister) interrupted their conversation and started to tell her opinion about the situation but Suddently someone knock their door saying “Your Baby is home” with an angry tone. -
Monkelad stealing neighbors food
When Mrs. Finkelstein knock the the door shouting ¨your baby is home¨ I opened the door and she was standing next to Monkelad, who had something in his mouth that looked kind of a mummy , but it was like a cooked Easter ham. -
Rocko´s mom became room parent
The third week of school started and Bens life still being miserable. One day, Mrs Washington brought cupecakes to share to the class and the room parent, Leif´s mom, entered with another woman and she said ¨This is the new room parent, Mrs Hoggen¨ and it was Rocko´s mom. Rocko´s mom became room parent! -
September ends
It was September, and not so much stuff happened in September. Then he realized that summer had ended, but afterwards he noticed that Halloween was coming in a month exactly and it will be so much fun. Well September ends and his life still being a ¨Miserable Life.¨