• Value-work theory:Adam Smith

    Value-work theory:Adam Smith
    In the start of the researches about administration, Smith had special importance to the process of production and indirectly, to the development of the internal market in economic growth, due to the relationship it affects between the division of labor, the expansion of the market and the creation of social wealth
    For Smith, the accumulation of capital and the reinvestment of the economic surplus, constituted the engine of economic growth and, therefore, the bases of the wealth of nations
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    It was a great event for humanity, it was characterized by the mechanization of industry and agriculture, the application of the driving force, the advancement of transport and communications and the development of factories. •Starts the beginning of the administration since there were many changes in the production systems•
  • Period: to

    19th century

    Production process
  • 19th century

    19th century
    First period of production process
  • The crisis of 1873 (THE GREAT DEPRESSION)

    The crisis of 1873 (THE GREAT DEPRESSION)
    The depression of 1873 marks the end of the period of British economic supremacy and liberalism, of the expansion based on cotton, coal, steel and rail. The "factory of the world" seems to run out and other countries take over. Industrialization had an international facet of market integration and international division of labor. The great moment of free trade between the decades of 1850 to 1870 was ephemeral, but left a deep mark on the economies and minds of Europeans.
  • Period: to

    20th century

    Production process
  • Scientific management:Friederick Taylor:

    Scientific management:Friederick Taylor:
    The era of taylor was undoubtedly one of the most important and known in the history of the administration
    Taylor helped to show this new branch of knowledge that linked the business sector and scientific research. This discipline, also known as Taylorism, created a revolution in the way of seeing business, and the science implemented by it is still in force in many companies.
  • The Fordist model:Henry Ford

    The Fordist model:Henry Ford
    Fordism meant a real revolution in terms of productivity and access to a mass market thanks to the cost cut achieved. It was used primarily in the automotive industry during the last century. In addition to these improvements in productivity and cost reduction, Fordism was characterized by a salary improvement for workers, who benefited significantly from financial benefits.
  • Classic theory of administration:Henry Fayol

    Classic theory of administration:Henry Fayol
    Of the administration theorists, Fayol, was the first to identify management as a continuous evaluation process. It focused on the structure and functions that an organization should have to achieve efficiency. Henry Fayol exposed this theory extensively in his book: ‘Administration Industrielle et Génerale’ first published in 1916.
  • Process of the human relations theory in administration:Elton Mayo

    Process of the human relations theory in administration:Elton Mayo
    The theory of human relations was born in the United States, towards the fourth decade of the twentieth century, and was made possible by the development of social sciences, especially psychology. It was basically a movement of reaction and opposition to the classical theory of administration.
    The theory of human relations originates from the need to achieve complete efficiency in production within a labor harmony between the worker and the employer.
  • Bureaucratic administration:Max Weber

    Bureaucratic administration:Max Weber
    About the psychology of organizations, multiple theories have been raised about the organization of work in companies,the most important theory was the Weber's bureaucracy theory.
    This theory was created to solve the limitations of classical theory and the theory of human relations that were opposite and contradictory to each other. Weber proposed this rationalist theory through an efficient approach, which is applicable to factories and to different forms of human organization.
  • Neoclassical administration:Peter Drucker

    Neoclassical administration:Peter Drucker
    Drucker was the first to make it clear that "there is no business without a client" And although it sounds controversial, experts says that he didn't identify with the system, because he didn't regulate his life according to the patterns of 'gift money', he lived in the suburbs and spent much of his time, and free of charge, to non-profit organizations. Drucker's thinking made it clear that people prevail over capital and merchandise, and that workers should be treated as resources, not as costs
  • 20th century

    20th century
    Century of technological advances
  • Theory of organizational behavior:Herbert A. Simon

    Theory of organizational behavior:Herbert A. Simon
    The theory of organizational behavior in the administration meant a new direction and a new approach in administrative theory: the approach to behavioral sciences, the abandonment of normative and prescriptive positions of previous theories and the adoption of explanatory and descriptive positions.
    The theory of behavior in administration has its greatest exponent in Herbert Alexander Simon, curiously winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978.
  • Administration based in systems:Ludwig Von Bertalanffy

    Administration based in systems:Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
    Ludwig von Bertalanffy was the first exhibitor of the general theory of systems, looking for an integrative methodology for the treatment of scientific problems, this is not intended to solve problems or try practical solutions, but to produce theories and conceptual formulations that can create conditions of application in empirical reality. This theory is not intended to seek analogies between the sciences, it tries to avoid the scientific superficiality that has stopped them.
  • Period: to

    Industries 4.0

    A new era of bussines administration is in process
  • Modern administation

    Modern administation
    The current administration has advanced to a more strategic point for the generation of wealth, but until a few years ago it was done without thinking of any of the damages that pindustries created to the planet and to society. Bit by bit, it has evolved and uses more new models such as marketing, outsourcing and benckmarking, which give benefit to companies and also to customers, although without authors that mark an era.