Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespeare
This is the year that William Shakespere was born .
William Shakespeares job was a play/poetryand also a writer he loved what he did for his job . -
Jan 1, 1570
Guido Farkes .
Guido was his real name but most people called him Guy
Fawkes Guidos took part as a solder .
But Guy Fawkes tryed to bren the houes of parliment but he didnt achieve his task. -
Edward Jenner
This is the year , date and also the month when Edward Jenner was born.
Edwards Jenners jod was a docter and he was very goood at his job as a docter . -
The Queens birthday
The is the date of The Queens birthday -
My birthday
This is the date of my birthday -
William and Kate when they got married
This is the date when Princes William and Kate got mnarried togeather . -
Prince William
Prince William had a noumal life and he also went a noumal school however thats hen he meat Kate ......