Millard Fillmore

  • Millard Fillmore

    he was born in the finger lake of newyork
  • Millard Fillmore jobs

    worked on his farthers farm until he was 15 he became a apprenticed to a cloth dresser.
  • Millard Fillmore love

    he fell in love with the red head teacher Abigail Powers who later became his wife.
  • Millard Fillmore school

    he attened one room school house
  • Millard Fillmore lawyer

    Millard Fillmore was a layer in 1823
  • Millared Fillmore

    In 1823 he was admitted to the bar,seven years later he moved his law pracice to Buffalo
  • Millard Fillmore family

    Millard Fillmore had 2 kids a boy and a girl. the boy was named Millard and the girl name is Mary
  • Millard Fillmore before president

    Before Millard Fillmore became president he was in the whig party.
  • Millared Fillmore

    Breaking up clays single legislative package Douglas presented five separte bills to the senate:1 Admit California is a free state.2 Settle the Texas boundary and comperstate her.3Grant territorical status to New Mexico.4 Place Fedral offivers at the disposal of slaves holders.5Abolish the salve trade in the district of Columbia.
  • Millared Fillmore death

    Millared Fillmore died in 18764