Mexican Revolution

  • The Revolution Began

    The Revolution Began
    In 1910, revolution began to overthrow current ruler and dictator Porfirio Díaz. The lower class suffered tremendously from his capitalist society. After the revolution began, Díaz only continued to rule for one year before leaving the country and never returning. The form of new land laws was one of his unpopular injustices. He was one of the first to start the string of unreliable presidents in Mexico.
  • Madero Returns

    Madero Returns
    Orozco and Villa were very successful in fighting the federal forces. In February of 1911, Madero returned to join them in the north. Díaz noticed the pattern of past rulers. He realized that he would not be able to win, so he went into exile. Madero eventually entered the city in June.
  • Madero Elected

    Madero Elected
    Díaz reigns and is sent to exile from Mexico. Francisco Madero is elected as president with the majority vote. He was responsible from removing Diaz from power. Madero officially swore to presidency on November 5, 1911. He proved to be a weak leader and failed to fulfill his promises on land reform.
  • Madero is Murdered

    Madero is Murdered
    General Huerta plans to overthrow Madero and ceases him. Madero is murdered by Huerta's bodyguards. Huerta's supporters were the Catholic Church and the American Business Community. All men between ages 15 and 40 were required to serve in the army under Huerta's control. A skillful army of 200,000 men was created from his tactics.
  • La Mujer del Pozo by Diego Rivera

    La Mujer del Pozo by Diego Rivera
    La Mujer del Pozo included Aztec imagery with Aztec art. The painting was influenced by the avant garde style of the time. The colors green and blue are a bold effect while yellow adds depth to the painting. The painting focuses on a woman and a traditional dress. The use of shapes and colors throughout the painting give off a cubist technique.
  • Revolt against Zapata

    Revolt against Zapata
    Villa raids Santa Rosalia, killing 300 prisoners and Chinese. On February 5th, Carranza announces the drafting of the modern active constitution of Mexico. Carranza became president on May 1st, after election. Revolt against Zapata at Buena Vista. Zapata wins by ordering 10,000 men against those who revolted.
  • The Constitution is Approved

    The Constitution is Approved
    On February 5th 1917 the Constitution of 1917 was approved. It was a successor of the Constitution of 1857 and even earlier constitutions of Mexico. This constitution was made to embody the ideals of the Mexican Revolution. They still follow this constitution today.
  • Carranza takes Office

    Carranza takes Office
    The Constitution of 1917 was signed on January 31st and approved on February 5th. It proved to be more profound then Carranzas official proposal. A month after it was signed, Carranza called foreign election to be held. He took office on May 1st. 1917.
  • Zapata is Assasinated

    Zapata is Assasinated
    Zapata declares a manifesto, having the people take up arms and throw Carranza out. On April 10, Zapata is assasinated. Obregon has the announcement that he would run for president. Carranzas troops captured Felipe Ángeles. His men then execute Ángeles.
  • From One President to Another

    From One President to Another
    Huerta, Obrgeon, and Calles became united and proclaimed the republic of Sonora. Obregeon declares and states that Carranza is betraying the constitution of 1917. This caused Carranza to leave on May 7th. Obregeon and Zapatistas entered Mexico City two days later. General Herrero assassinates Carranza at Tlaxcalantongo.
  • Alvaro becomes President

    Alvaro becomes President
    Obregón became president by 1920. He retired December 1st, 1924. This was mainly because he had outlived his main rivals. Many historians believe the revolution ends at this time. However fighting continues well beyond the 1920's.
  • Calles Elected President

    Calles Elected President
    Plutaro Elias Calles is elected president for the first time using popular appeal. Calles starts to workon reforms, but his focus is having the people on his side. He starrts reforms on the oil pact that Obregon made in 1923. He starts uphold the decisions made in Article 27 of the Mexican constitution. He is quickly threatened from washington, and stops all plans of change.
  • Calles Presidency Ends

    Calles Presidency Ends
    In 1928, Calles is no longer president. For the next few years, he ruled through his puppets. Gil, Rubio and Rodriguez served for the next three terms. This period was known as the Maximato. It lasted from 1928 until 1934. Calles proved to not follow through with his promises and people grew weary of him.
  • Calles is Exiled

    Calles is Exiled
    President Calles is deported to the United States. He was seized suddenly at his ranch in Santa Barbara. About 100 soldiers and detectives arrived at his ranch in the middle of the night. People believe Calles was not even surprised by his own exile. This was due to the fact that he had deported so many enemies for lesser offenses than he had committed prior.
  • Dive Bomber and The Tank by Jose Clemente Orozco

    Dive Bomber and The Tank by Jose Clemente Orozco
    It was painted by Orozco over a period of 10 days, often in front of the public. The painting depicts abstracted elements for mechanicial welfare.